All you need to know about Historic Florentine Football

May 27, 2020 1063

Regarded as one of the world's most dangerous sports, Calcio Storico Fiorentino, or 'historic Florentine football," dates back to 16th century Florence. A combination of football and rugby, it was a pastime for wealthy aristocrats and even popes, such as Clement Ⅶ, Leo Ⅺ, and Urban Ⅴ Ⅲ who participated in this violent game.

A bit of history

Although it's popularity began to fade in the early 17th, a revival of the sport came in the 1930s as a recognized practice under the rule of Benito Mussolini. Since the 1930s, Calcio Storico has become an annual event to attend in Florence in Piazza Santa Croce, upholding many of its historical traditions with a few recent changes.

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