Ancestral Homeland Marketing Survey

Feb 29, 2024 1583

Stephanie Longo, a Doctor of Strategic Communication candidate at Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA, USA) is seeking participants for a survey that will help complete her dissertation, which seeks to determine the ancestral homeland marketing factors that motivate ancestral travelers.

Ms. Longo is looking for survey respondents whose families immigrated to the United States from Europe. The ultimate goal of this research is to examine ancestral homeland traveler motivations, which will justify her claim that there needs to be a subset of marketing called "ancestral homeland marketing." This branch of marketing is informed by place branding, destination marketing, and ancestral tourism, and positions ancestral travelers as place consumers.

The link to her survey is:

This study was approved by Regent University's IRB on February 28, 2024. Ms. Longo can be reached at [email protected] with any questions.

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