At Funeral for Mario Cuomo, Praise for a Leader’s Role as a Humanist

Jan 07, 2015 1107

by James Barron

In the end there were the words, and the words were the son's, and the words were about his father, former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo. "At his core, at his best, he was a philosopher, and he was a poet, and he was an advocate, and he was a crusader," Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said at his father's funeral service on Tuesday. "Mario Cuomo was the keynote speaker for our better angels."

In a eulogy that touched on Mario Cuomo's thoughts about how to deliver a speech — don't extemporize, use a prepared text — as well as his love of the French Jesuit philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his all-out style on the basketball court well into middle age, Andrew Cuomo said that his father was more of a "humanist" than a politician. To his father, he said, "politics were more of a personal belief system: It was who he was, not what he did."

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