Once again it is confirmed that the Farnesina, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sends our best diplomats to the United States. And when they finish their term, continuing their diplomatic careers, they are rewarded with mandates in prestigious posts and then called to advise Italian institutions because of their experience and diplomatic expertise.
In the new government, both the new Prime Minister Meloni and the new Foreign Minister Tajani have chosen on their staffs two fine diplomats who have served in the US, both as Consul General in New York. His Excellency Ambassador Francesco Maria Talò, Consul General in NY from 2007 to 2011, is Giorgia Meloni's Diplomatic Advisor. His Excellency Ambassador Francesco Genuardi, Consul General in NY from 2016 to 2021, is Antonio Tajani's Chief of Staff. Best wishes and congratulations from the entire We the Italians team!
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