“Cooking with Nonna” creator Rosella Rago

Jul 20, 2020 1537

BY: Jiom Distasio

Proud of her dual Italian and American roots, Rosella Rago has made a career of deliciously blending the two with her beloved grandmother by her side. Rossella Rago, the culinary entrepreneur and host of the delightful instructional web series “Cooking with Nonna,” says her passion for food began just as you’d expect — when she was a little girl looking to lend a hand with Sunday supper.

“I remember spending hours in the kitchen just watching my mom, nonna, and great aunts all cooking and talking,” Rago says. “But I was so young they wouldn’t let me touch anything.” Relegated to “taster” duties, Rago proved to be a voracious learner.

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SOURCE: https://franoi.com

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