BY: Catherine Edwards
If there's one thing Italian politics doesn't need, it's continued instability. But a new electoral law, to be tested for the first time when voters go to the polls in March, adds yet another element of uncertainty to the 2018 election.
When the current prime minister, Paolo Gentiloni, was appointed in December 2016, he was the fifth new PM in as many years, and the fourth unelected prime minister in a row.
Italian Premier Paolo Gentiloni will say in a speech to the Center for Strategic and Inter...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and PNICube, the Italian Ass...
“I’m Staying in the South” looks set to be the name of the new incentive to encourage entr...
Un adeguamento del 5%: questa la percentuale del ritocco delle contribuzioni dei dipendent...
Italy's premier has named Paolo Gentiloni as his new foreign minister, tapping a longtime...
Sulla dodicesima Street lo aspettavano tutti. In fila. Qualcuno con l’ombrello aperto per...
di Riccardo Chioni Seconda giornata newyorkese ieri per il ministro degli Esteri...
The number of Italians in work rose to pre-recession levels in July, according to figures...