“La finestra nella vita di Roma”

Apr 18, 2016 1041

This week I went to the Tavola Italiana at UT Austin. Tavola is a weekly informal meeting in which students, assistant instructors, teaching assistants, and professors (such as Antonella Olson, the founder of the Tavola, and Irene Alvisi) and anyone from the Italian community can come together to not only practice speaking Italian, but also discuss Italian culture at the historic Cactus Café on campus.

I had the opportunity to talk to the ITL 611 students this time, and the hot topic that everyone was discussing was ITAL's new Module 4 - "Raccontami Una Storia di Roma". I sat down with some of them to hear their thoughts on the new module. I was very excited to talk to them because I was also a 611 student when I first learned about ITAL a couple of years ago, and I remember watching the modules and falling in love with the stories!

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Source: http://www.italchannel.tv/

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