"The life and times of Giuseppe Garibaldi" Tues. 5/22 at Casa Belvedere

May 11, 2018 2084

The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere (79 Howard Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301) presents: "THE LIFE & TIMES OF GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI" a presentation by Gaetano V. Cavallaro R.Ph., M.D.. Tuesday, May 22, 2018 @ 7:00 PM

To the man on the street, Garibaldi is involved only with the unification of Italy. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was involved in Brazil, Uruguay, and there are about 100 statues of him worldwide, from Russia to South America to Washington Square Park in Manhattan. For about one year he lived in the Tompkinsville section of Staten Island. Much will be devoted to how the Kingdom of Piedmont (Sardegna), with no resources brought about the expulsion of the Habsburgs (Austria-Hungary), from the Italian boot, and how Garibaldi was used by the leaders of the Kingdom of Piedmont.

This lecture and visual presentation with photographs and accounts from the archives in Paris and Torino, will involve the exploits of Garibaldi, his women (who followed him about with their servants and dogs) and his children and their experiences. He had 5 living children, the first three gave him 30 grandchildren. President Abraham Lincoln offered Garibaldi the command of the Union forces, but was declined by Garibaldi and all the communications back and forth. He was also involved in the Franco-Prussian war (1870). Please join us for this fascinating presentation with much untold information about the man and his family.

Please reserve in advance for this wonderful program so that we can plan accordingly. Suggested Donation: $20. Refreshments and light fare will be provided. Pre-payment is recommended and appreciated. We accept credit cards over the phone. For any questions or to register for this program, please call 718-273-7660 or
E-mail [email protected] Parking will be located directly across the street at Notre Dame Academy Elementary School.

SOURCE: The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere

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