'The Mount Rushmore Scandal: Chief Carver's (Nearly) Lost Legacy' Webinar

Mar 14, 2021 1474

Fri, March 19, 2021. 1:00 AM – 2:30 AM CET. Online event. “Out of all the artists in the world, Mr. Borglum chooses me to do this work.” - Luigi Del Bianco, Chief Carver of Mount Rushmore. 

Five years into designing Mount Rushmore, lead sculptor Gutzon Borglum realized that without a world-class stone carver by his side, the memorial's reputation was in serious jeopardy — after all, how could Americans be inspired by the country's largest sculpture if their presidents' faces were botched or unrecognizable? This is the story of an obscure Italian immigrant with a gift for stone carving who not only saved the monumental project, but made it one of the world's finest — a story which would have been forever omitted from the history books if it were not for his family's 25-year fight to get him the recognition he deserved.

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SOURCE: New York Adventure Club

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