'Nduja, History Of The Calabrese Delicacy

Mar 22, 2023 739

The origins of the Calabrian ‘nduja are not entirely certain, but the most accredited thesis traces its origins back to the Napoleonic period (1806-1815). It seems that in that period, Gioacchino Murat, Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother-in-law, had ordered his men to distribute a tripe-based French salami free of charge, to enter the good graces of the Lazarus of the Neapolitan state. This cured meat had a name that sounds particularly familiar today: andouille.

Apparently, it was successful among the Calabrians, who appropriated the idea by modifying the recipe based on the resources of the time: fat, pork rinds, offal, and, of course, local hot peppers.

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SOURCE: https://www.pizzacappuccino.com

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