The Pasta Addict opening second location in Simpsonville

Mar 11, 2021 2161

BY: Lillia Callum-Penso

It’s been a full year for Jennifer and Anthony Pepe. The owners of The Pasta Addict opened their first restaurant, filling the incubator space at Gather GVL, they weathered COVID-19 and they also grew their business. Now, the Pepes are taking their homemade pasta business into new realms, two in fact. They have moved form the temporary incubator space to a permanent one in Gather and they have also opened a brick and mortar restaurant in Simpsonville.

The Pepes, along with partners, Joseph and Genine Baldassarra, purchased A Slice of Brooklyn Café, located at 134 S. Main St., in Simpsonville, and are slowly converting the restaurant to a second, more comprehensive Pasta Addict location.

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