The Other Italy

Feb 12, 2013 3058

"The Other Italy" Lecture Series and Wine Tasting
"Sicily"February 24,
"Umbria,"March 3
4:00 PM
Hilary's in Horrigan Hall, Bellarmine University
$15 members, $20 guests per date
Reserve your spot by calling 502.938.8830 or by clicking on the event link under "Upcoming Events".
With the publication of Frances Mayes' best-seller Under the Tuscan Sun, America's love affair with Tuscany began. The influx of American tourists was such that Italian journalists were led to write about the "Disneyfication" of Tuscany, as other beautiful and interesting regions of Italy were virtually overlooked in the rush to re-live the experiences so vividly described in Mayes' book.
But there is another Italy, and in its upcoming lecture series, "The Other Italy" ICI looks to pique the curiosity of travelers, and encourage a look at some lesser-known Italian sites. Speakers will discuss cultural, historical and geographic characteristics of each region, and will offer travel and shopping tips as well. John Johnson, owner of the Wine Rack on Frankfort Avenue, will follow up with a discussion and tasting of 4 regional wines, along with paired cheeses selected by Will Eaves of Lots Pasta. Each session will end with a question and answer period, and event organizers hope small travel discussion groups may emerge from these lectures.
The series will kick off on February 24, with a lecture by veteran travelers Martha and Peter Hasselbacher. Martha is a retired attorney, whose near-photographic memory promises to result in an informative and engaging talk, enhanced by the professional quality images taken by her husband Peter, a retired physician with a passion for photography.
John has selected the following Sicilian wines for February 24th :

Centonze Grillo
Centonze Nero d'Avola
Consumano Nero d'Avola
Terre Nere Etna Rosso

Reserve soon, as attendance at each event is limited to 50.

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