What's up with WTI: Editorial # 179

Sep 21, 2024 408

Dear friends,

September is always a month full of events and activities, but never before has We the Italians been as busy as this year when returning from summer vacations, although as you know, we never stop.

As you know, we are partners in a particularly important traveling event. It's called Salerno-Verona, History of the American Fifth Army in Italy, a non-competitive bike ride to the most significant places for the route of the Fifth Army that liberated our country. Those who know me know that this is a topic very close to the heart for me. So, we participated in four dates in four different cities. In Salerno, for the start of the ride, I participated together with my friend and great supporter of the United States Antonluca Cuoco, in the presence of the American Consul in Naples Tracy Roberts-Pounds. In Nettuno, at the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial, I was joined by our Ambassador to Liguria Lorenzo Zeppa (in a few months there will be a nice surprise that will tie him to this territory, and will see us together with him) and the magnificent Blaine Brown, who also sang a capella here the two National Anthems and a moving version of “Hallelujah”. In Rome, at Centro Studi Americani, our cyclist friends were welcomed to the wonderful 17th-century venue. In Florence, where our Ambassador to Tuscany Maurizio Mancianti organized a moment of recollection and remembrance at the Florence American Cemetery and Memorial, again in the presence of the American Consul in Florence, Daniela Ballard.

Another event in which we are partners took place in Detroit, Michigan. The Consulate of Italy in Detroit, under the leadership of Consul Allegra Baistrocchi, continues its efforts to promote Italian excellence in the U.S. territory, with a special focus on technological innovation and sustainability. Thanks to the collaboration with RetImpresa - Agenzia di Confindustria, Reputation Research and We The Italians, three Italian startups operating in the sustainable mobility sector were selected to participate in The Perfect Pitch competition, an initiative that allowed them to present themselves to Michigan's main stakeholders and venture capitalists, thanks to the tireless work of the diplomatic structure. I wasn’t able to be in Detroit, but someway between our friends Allegra Baistrocchi, Davide Ippolito and Monica Marangoni, We the Italians was present and represented.

Big news comes from our interview section. We have started working with artificial intelligence, and so from today the interviews (those started in January 2024) are and will be available also as a two-voice podcast version, here. Two Voices, One Heart!

Our magazine continues to grow, and starting this month we will have two new columns that are the result of two new partnerships, and a welcome return.

The first new column will tell our readers about another Italian excellence, this time in healthcare. We are helping to promote in the U.S. Medical Tourism Italy, a company that for ten years has been connecting patients from all over the world with the best private Italian healthcare facilities, which are at the top in the world for the treatment of various diseases. Their mission is simple: to connect the Italian excellence of the world’s best Doctors and Healthcare technologies with patients worldwide, and assist them with a customized trip & service approach, so that their healing path will be as easy and effortless as it should be; all sided with the benefits of tourism in Italy. Together with MTI we will tell about the innovation and leadership of Italian private healthcare. In addition to curing with research and talent, our country also does it with lifestyle, nutrition, atmosphere, landscapes, sustainability: the “dolce vita.” Italy is also excellent in healthcare, and every month you will learn more about it thanks to our magazine.

The second new column of our magazine will tell about another absolute Italian excellence: historical trademarks. We will do this by partnering with the best representatives of this wonderful part of the best of Italy: Associazione Marchi storici d’Italia. AMSI was established to promote, at all levels, the strategic importance of Italian historical trademarks and their impetus as a tool for competitiveness and internationalization, helping to enhance Italy's image, by combining the efforts of companies that own historical trademarks and the competent public administrations. AMSI translates the product and organizational diversity of member companies into a strength, by developing their common value of knowledge and national excellence also handed down through multiple business generations, and by capitalizing on diversity to find common starting points in each other for developing the business and the reputation.

After a few months of absence in the magazine, we return to have a column regarding Italian art. Helping us on this will be a brand new We the Italians Editorial Staff, composed of young students and professionals who share Italian citizenship, of which they are proud, and a passion for the United States. Two Flags, Many Hearts.

This is not the end of the story! At the end of August I had the pleasure of saluting my friend Mario Bartoli, the new Italian Consul in Chicago. In a much less populated Ministry of Foreign Affairs than usual, I was able to recount my knowledge of the Italian American community in Chicago and in the (vast) territorial constituency that falls under the leadership of his Consulate. Once again, Italy is sending one of its best diplomatic representatives to a U.S. consulate; We the Italians is pleased and proud of this, and looks forward to beginning active collaboration with the new Consul, to whom we wish the best of luck.

Last but absolutely not least, our team continues to renovate. We are very happy to welcome a new Ambassador, in San Francisco, California: Gina Travaglio. Gina is a fourth-generation San Franciscan. She has parlayed her love of growing up Italian in San Francisco into a career championing San Francisco's Little Italy, North Beach and working to preserve Italian culture in the community. She is the Director of Advancement for the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club Foundation and Membership Manager of the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club. She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and practiced law for over 20 years.  

I am going to end this long editorial with the third link to the section of our YouTube channel dedicated to our June 2024 gala. This time you will find videos dedicated to this year's awardees: Alma Laias (Senior Adviser of Public Affairs of American Chamber of Commerce Italy); Matt Harvey (Italian American Baseball legend); Roberto Gualtieri (Mayor of Rome); State of Florida through its Italian American club "Il Circolo", represented by the Italian Honorary Consul in Orlando Antonella Brancaccio-Balzano; Jason Castriota (Automotive Designer); Katia Da Ros (President Irinox North America); Cristiana Dell'Anna (star of the movie "Cabrini").

I think that's enough for just one month, what do you think? October will be just as busy, with as many as two trips to the U.S. and tnate activities here in Italy as well.

It’s all for now. Please stay safe and take care, and enjoy our magazine and our contents on our website. The future’s so bright, we gotta wear tricolor shades. A big Italian hug from Rome.

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