"World’s Largest Pasta Dish" is devoured by Italian American St Joseph Society

Mar 26, 2019 2224

BY: David Grunfeld

Dave Greco, owner of Mike's Deli - The Original Arthur Avenue Italian Deli in the Bronx, New York, slings cooked pasta during Italian American St Joseph Society "world's largest pasta dish" luncheon, 500 pounds in all, at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans, La. Friday, March 22, 2019.

Dave Greco, owner of Mike's Deli - The Original Arthur Avenue Italian Deli in the Bronx, New York, gets ready to sling cooked pasta during Italian American St Joseph Society "world's largest pasta dish" luncheon at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans, La. Friday, March 22, 2019.

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SOURCE: https://expo.nola.com

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