Candice Guardino, is set to tape her comedy special, “Italian Bred” on January 18th, 2025 at in Red Bank, New Jersey. Produced by Anthony Street Productions. Sam Brownfield (Jim Gaffigan's Comedy Monster, Comedy Dynamics) will direct Guardino's Theatrical Comedy. This hilarious and heartwarming hit show is a“A Must See”.
With years of sold out shows and tours under her belt, Candice Guardino is being called someone who “Stuns!” and is “Re- defining Solo Performances” by The Chicago Stage, Los Angeles, and New York. In Italian Bred, Candice slips in and out of multiple family characters, recounts funny childhood moments, and sings iconic songs that all makes this woman one incredible talent to see.
The Columbus Day Committee of Atlantic City along with the Bonnie Blue Foundation annually...
Candice Guardino is adding to her list of successful theatrical productions with the debut...
Saturday, August 1 - 12.30 EDT / Valenzano Winery - 1090 Route 206, Shamong, New...
Rossini’s “Otello” premiered in 1816, and the musical adaptation of Shakespeare's famous p...
Seven Angels Theatre in Waterbury is bringing the Connecticut Premiere of the poplar A Bro...
When “A Bronx Tale, the Musical” opens at the Axelrod Performing Arts Center in Deal on Oc...
The writer of “A Bronx Tale,” a touring Broadway musical coming next week to the Orpheum T...
Mistaken identity, misunderstandings and music were a big part in the opening of "A Comedy...