Backstage with Ron Onesti: “The Boss”…Celebrating Bruce Springsteen This Week

Apr 05, 2022 623

Being in the biz of entertainment for almost four decades, one can only imagine how many boxes of “stuff” I have packed away in my basement. An extra-ordinary and unorganized collection of autographed posters, set lists, vinyl albums, and backstage passes join other unique bits of Rock ‘N Roll memorabilia I have stashed away over the years. While moving a stack of posters that lay atop an old pan I needed for an event I was cooking for, a backstage laminate fell to the ground. 

It was from a night I’ll never forget-with Bruce Springsteen. It was from a fundraiser held at Carnegie Hall in New York City for “Music for Youth”, a Springsteen supported organization, on April 5, 2007.  An All-Star tribute to “The Boss”, about twenty artists performed his biggest hits.  Interestingly enough, Bruce himself was not scheduled to appear.

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