La Befana, the Good Witch of Christmas

Jan 04, 2021 1220

BY: Josephine Maietta

Cari Amici, we invite you will join us online for a very special event Tuesday, January 5, 2021, from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, live from Tom Tedesco’s Studio, for an Epiphany celebration hosted by Artistic Director Alessandra Belloni and Music Director John La Barbera, co-founders of I Giullari di Piazza. For tickets visit here

This will be a special online live presentation featuring music from the beloved Neapolitan Renaissance Christmas show, LA CANTATA DEI PASTORI and premiering special storytelling about the history of I Giullari di Piazza and the creation of this classic holiday presentation, praised by the New York Times.

La Befana, the Good Witch of Christmas, will tell her old beautiful story, on the traditional night before the Epiphany, about Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem. They are joined by the Archangel Gabriel, Devils, Demons, and the commedia dell'arte characters in a triumph of good over evil.

In addition to the performance, the musicians and the company directors will interact and tell their stories about performing this production for 35 years. You will get a behind-the-scenes peek into how I Giullari and their shows developed, including conversations with members of the troupe, both musicians and dancers.

The evening will include live performances of some of the CANTATA favorite Neapolitan Christmas songs, including traditional tarantellas, Renaissance villanelles, and pastorales from traditional sources, with original music by John La Barbera and traditional Southern Italian instrumentation. The presentation ends with a singing by the Company of the oldest known Neapolitan Christmas song.


Cav. Josephine A. Maietta

Directed by Alessandra Belloni (also in the role of Mary playing her drum to defeat the devil)· Music composed and arranged by John La Barbera, also playing classical guitar, chitarra battente, mandolin· Guest artists include: Max McGuire as La Befana; Joe Deninzon, violin and vocals, also in the role of the Devil; Francesca Silvano dancer, in the role of shepherdess, the Moon, and the Sun; and other special guest artists to be announced!

Tax-deductible tickets are $50. Link to the show will be available after ticket purchase. We need the support of our fans and friends like you to be able to put on this beautiful ONLINE PREMIERE of our show and fulfill our winter season goals. Purchase a ticket to this wonderful Zoom event for $50 and gather around with your pod, a glass of wine, and some Christmas cookies for a magical night. And, if you are able, consider an additional donation to I Giullari in whatever amount makes sense for you. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.


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