The Passion of Love, as seen in Dante’s V Canto of the Inferno

Feb 01, 2021 502

02/11 • Thursday 7pm EDT• The Passion of Love, as seen in Dante’s V Canto of the Inferno. Maria Bonavita, in collaboration with actress Giusy Lo Schiavo joining us live from Rome, Italy, invites you to descend to Dante’s second circle of the Inferno to experience the intense passion of love between Paolo and Francesca, who allowed themselves to be swept away by carnal love.

Maria Bonavita was born in Rizziconi, a small town in the province of Reggio Calabria. She majored in Italian and French at Brooklyn College. Giusy Lo Schiavo is an Italian actress who was born in Calabria in 1989. She graduated from the University of Rome at La Sapienza with a degree in music and theatre.

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