Tutti in Scena. The Story of Yesterday's Italian Theater in the US

Jan 07, 2023 765

Monday 01/30/2023 - 6:30pm. Casa Italiana Casa Italiana Zerilli - Marimò. 24 West 12th Street - New York, NY. On the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of KIT - Kairos Italy Theater: Screening of "Tutti in Scena. The Story of Yesterday's Italian Theater in the US". Told by Today's Italian Theater Company in NY (Documentary, USA, 2021, 47 min.) In ENGLISH. RSVP here.

Written, Directed, and Produced by Laura Caparrotti. Subject by Laura Caparrotti and Luca Martera. Followed by a Q&A with the director and other protagonists of the film. The history of Italian American theater is little known even though it was alive and well since Lorenzo Da Ponte presented the first operas in Italian at the Park Theater in the 1800s before creating the Teatro Italiano (later The National Theater). Da Ponte even wrote one-act plays in Italian for his students at Columbia College.

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SOURCE: http://www.casaitaliananyu.org

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