’My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish & The Therapy Continues’ at Herberger Theater seeks to amuse and uplift audiences

Jan 05, 2022 1000

BY: Nicole Raz

Peter Fogel wants to give Phoenicians a laugh heading into 2022. The pandemic has made it feel like “two years that everyone lost their lives,” he said. “People are looking to laugh. They got to get back to their lives.” Fogel is the star of “My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish & The Therapy Continues,” which began a four-week run at the Herberger Theater Center Dec. 29. The final show will be Jan. 30. 

The one-man comedy is a sequel to “My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm in Therapy,” which was staged last in Phoenix in 2018. Fogel plays 25 different characters in each show. Steve Solomon wrote the play based on his experience, and hand-picked Fogel to play him and his family members.

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SOURCE: https://www.jewishaz.com/

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