Quando, nel 1954, Adriano Olivetti chiede agli architetti Lodovico Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Enrico Peressutti e Ernesto Rogers del noto studio B.B.P.R. di progettare un negozio al numero 584 della Fifth Avenue di New York, nel cuore del «blocco dei miliardi», tra la 44esima e la 45esima strada, nessuno può sapere che quel negozio è destinato a diven...
READ MOREAfter bringing to the Bay Area events on such iconic masters of Italian design as Vico Magistretti (2014) and Achille Castiglioni (2017), the Italian Cultural Institute decided to put together an initiative that would offer San Francisco audiences a topic that combines the qualities of historical discourse with the imaginative vision of contemporar...
READ MORENel 1950, il fondatore Museum of Modern Art di Chicago, Edgar Kaufmann Jr. decise di istituire un premio che celebrasse i prodotti dal design più innovativo. La giuria era composta da progettisti di spicco come Ray Eames o Eero Saarinene -ovviamente- da lui stesso. Era infatti anch’egli architetto e da giovane aveva addirittura lavorato per Frank L...
READ MOREAdriano Olivetti was a multitasking person indeed and everything he did he was quite successful. He was not “only” an urbanist, editor, writer and entrepreneur but he was also a great supporter of technology and corporate social responsibility. Adriano Olivetti was also one of the strongest opponents of Fascist Regimein Italy and he converted his c...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #79 2016 May 13Author : Giovanni Verde Translation by: An extraordinarily important figure in the history of Italian enterprise, Adriano Olivetti is the architect of a unique and revolutionary business model, which has combined technological progress with richness of the human community. Engineer and entrepreneur, his mu...