With research areas including nanotechnology, agrifood, robotics, ICT, and life sciences, scientific cooperation between Italy and the United States was strengthened and bolstered when the 2016-2017 Joint Declaration on Scientific and Technological Cooperation was signed today at the Foreign Ministry headquarters. In the afternoon, experts from the...
READ MOREBy Mary Ann Thomas Relatives of new U.S. Ambassador to Italy John Phillips didn't have to press too hard for him to visit his hometown of Leechburg before he begins his diplomatic assignment in a few weeks. "We knew he was really busy, but we wanted to get him here soon because it's unlikely we'll get to see him for a long time,"...
READ MOREdi Fabio Savelli Nelle intenzioni un vasto piano di promozione del nostro Paese presso investitori americani. «Compra Italia», potrebbe essere lo slogan. Ma assicura al Corriere della Sera Fernando Napolitano, presidente di Italian business&investment initiative (organizzazione no profit con sede a New York), non si tratta solo di spot...
READ MOREIl Ministro delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali Nunzia De Girolamo ha ricevuto ieri pomeriggio l'Ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d'America David Thorne. Nel corso dell'incontro è stata condivisa l'importanza dell'avvio dei negoziati per l'accordo TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Parnership) tra UE e Stati Uniti, un accor...
READ MOREVicenza incanta l'ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d'America John R. Phillips. E' accaduto stamani quando il massimo rappresentante della diplomazia americana in Italia, in visita per la prima volta in città insieme alla moglie e al console generale Kyle R. Scott, è stato accompagnato dal vicesindaco Jacopo Bulgarini d'Elci prima in Basilica Palladia...
READ MORELa delegazione dell'Associazione e della Fondazione ItaliaCamp, composta dai presidenti onorari Gianni Letta e Antonio Catricalà e dal presidente Fabrizio Sammarco, ha incontrato ieri all'ambasciata americana a Roma l'ambasciatore John Phillips, per illustrare la missione internazionale USACamp che si svolgerà dal 26 febbraio al 3 marzo tra Ne...
READ MOREThe United States has returned 25 artefacts that were looted from Italy, including Etruscan vases, 1st-century frescoes and precious books that had made their way into top US museum, university and private collections. The items were either spontaneously turned over or were seized by police after Italian authorities noticed them in Christie's...
READ MOREThanksgiving is a uniquely American tradition. It began with the Pilgrims who had endured a brutal journey from England to America to begin new lives in what they called the New World. In November 1621, a year later, they held a feast —giving thanks for the harvest and for the generosity of their Native American neighbors who showed them how to pla...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #14 2014 Jan, 24Author : Umberto Mucci Translation by: On January 22nd I had the privilege to attend, in representation of the Italian American Museum and of We the Italians, the 70th anniversary of the Allied landings at Anzio and Nettuno. The series of events took place in fo...
READ MORE"On behalf of my Government, I am very pleased to extend to you an invitation to visit the United States under the international cultural exchange program of the Department of State". Il testo è così chiaro che non c'è bisogno di traduzione: Federico Pizzarotti, nel giugno 2015 sarà in America per tre settimane ospite del Governo statunitense. &nb...