Si è svolta il 12 dicembre in videoconferenza la XV Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo, evento organizzato dalla Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC) in collaborazione con la Rice University e patrocinato dal Governatore dello Stato del Texas, dalla Camera dei Deputati, dall’Istituto Superiore della Sanitá, dal Consiglio Nazionale d...
READ MOREÈ stato l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Washington Armando Varricchio ad aprire i lavori della 2^ seduta semestrale dell’Osservatorio Nazionale della Lingua italiana, che riunisce i principali protagonisti attivi nella promozione della lingua e cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti. A farne il resoconto oggi è EduItalia, associazione che raggruppa 111 tra s...
READ MORESi terrà lunedì 14 dicembre, a partire dalle ore 16:00, il 1° Digital Transatlantic Award, evento organizzato da AmCham Italy, la Camera di Commercio Americana in Italia. Per il quindicesimo anno consecutivo AmCham Italy assegnerà i Transatlantic Award, tradizionale premio per quelle realtà che, grazie ai loro investimenti sull’asse transatlantico,...
READ MOREMore research cooperation between the two sides of the Atlantic, new disciplines, and a strong female leadership component: ISSNAF, the foundation that brings together thousands of Italian scientists and academics working in laboratories, universities and research centers in North America, renews itself and takes stock of its activities during the...
READ MOREFinalists include young scholars active in US universities and research centers. The ISSNAF Lifetime Achievement Award will go to Guido Calabresi, a federal judge in the United States, and professor emeritus at Yale University Law School. They have made discoveries about the immune response in Covid patients, study the effects of the virus on blood...
READ MORENovember 16, 2020 - 3:00 PM ET. Zoom Webinar in English. Register here. On the occasion of the 5th Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, join us for a conversation with Netflix world renown talents. The talk, featuring celebrity chef Massimo Bottura ("Chef's Table"), David Gelb (creator of "Chef's Table") and Phil Rosenthal ("Somebody Feed Phil") w...
READ MOREAssistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Marie Royce and Italian Ambassador to the United States Armando Varricchio signed today a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding that renews protections for Italian cultural property. This renewal marks the 20th anniversary of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of...
READ MOREL’emergenza pandemica ha avuto notevoli ricadute sull’economia italiana ma il Paese rimane un polo attrattivo per gli investitori statunitensi. È quanto emerge dal “M&A outlook: Growth and financial trends between Italy and USA”, l’incontro promosso da Amcham Italy, che si è svolto in modalità digitale, per presentare il White Paper elaborato dal g...
READ MOREThe exhibition "Seguso Vetri d'Arte" was presented at Villa Firenze today. The exhibition, the latest of the “Artists in Residence" series, is dedicated to the artistic and craftsmanship tradition of Seguso, a world famous family-run company of Murano. Since 1397 Seguso has created some of the most exclusive and appreciated works of art in glass....
READ MOREOn October 19 the XX edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World opens in the USA. The event, as underlined by Ambassador Armando Varricchio "plays a fundamental role in promoting the cultural richness of our country". Established in 2001 under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic, the Week of the Italian Language in the...