The Ambassador of Italy, Armando Varricchio, bestowed upon Dr. Anthony Fauci the honor of “Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana” (Knight of Grand Cross, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic), conferred by the Italian President of the Republic in recognition of his exceptional career and outstanding contribution...

The Embassy of Italy in Washington, DC, the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center, and ISPI – Italian Institute for International Political Studies are delighted to invite you to a public event celebrating the 160th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Italy and the United States, on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (ET) / 15:00 hrs (CEST). ...

A seguito del grave rallentamento dell’attività di trasmissione in Italia delle pratiche di pensione da parte dell’Ufficio della Security Administration of International Operation di Baltimora (USA), ho rappresentato all’Ambasciatore Armando Varricchio la situazione di grave disagio che si è venuta a creare per gli interessati e per le organizzazio...

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) celebrates the 160th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Italy. As the leading Italian American organization in the United States, NIAF is committed to strengthening this important partnership between our two countries. “The United States and Italy share a deep and enduri...

“In un anno scolastico diverso dal 2020-2021, sono lieto di presentare questa nuova, quinta edizione della Guida di Eduitalia - “Study in Italy” e continuare non solo quella che è diventata una consuetudine graditissima, ma anche esprimere un sincero apprezzamento a un'Associazione che, negli anni, si è distinta come partner affidabile e generoso d...

March 11, 2021 at 12 noon (ET). Zoom Webinar. EVENT LANGUAGE: English. Register here. The Eternal City has been a source of inspiration for artists of all times. On March 11th, join us for a one-of-a-kind historical, artistic, and emotional virtual tour of Rome as seen through the creations of Bvlgari. During this webinar, art historian and curator...

San Francisco hosted yesterday the first in a series of webinars exploring the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications to different aspects of society, everyday life, and research. Organized by the Embassy of Italy in Washington and the Consulate General in San Francisco, in partnership with the National Science Found...

Today, Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio and the Italian Embassy in Washington unveiled a new logo commemorating 160 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and the United States of America. The anniversary logo serves as the official kick-off to a year-long celebration examining the past, present, and future ties between the two countries....

Armando Varricchio, Italy's ambassador to the United States, believes that President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration will be an important date not just for this country, but for the world. "We look forward to working with the administration, and January 20 will be a very important day not just for the United States but for the world," Varricchio sai...

Nell’ambito del tradizionale appuntamento annuale di AmCham Italy, sono state premiate ieri le eccellenze, italiane e statunitensi, che nell’ultimo anno si sono distinte per gli importanti investimenti operati sull’asse transatlantico, contribuendo così a rafforzare il legame che unisce l’Italia agli Stati Uniti. Per la prima volta, dopo quattordic...