L’America e la Mia Gente, novità letteraria fresca di stampa edita da MnM print edizioni, è la prima traduzione italiana dell’opera di Mario B. Mignone (titolo originale: The Story of My People - From Rural Southern Italy to Mainstream America, Bordighera Press 2015). Un’autobiografia e insieme un racconto dell’esperienza di emigrazione vissuta in...

«Nessuno potrà mai dire abbastanza bene di Rocco Petrone. Non saremmo mai arrivati sulla Luna in tempo o, forse, non ci saremmo mai arrivati senza Rocco». Con queste poche parole Isom “Ike” Rigell, ingegnere capo del Kennedy Space Center e addetto alle operazioni di lancio, restituisce tutto il peso di una figura rimasta a lungo in ombra, ma che ha...

Era figlio di emigrati italiani, Rocco Petrone, l’italiano della missione Apollo 11 di cui il prossimo 20 luglio ricorre il 50° anniversario. A ricordare questa singolare figura di scienziato, l’uomo chiave della missione, è il giornalista Renato Cantore nel libro “Dalla terra alla luna. Rocco Petrone, l’italiano dell’Apollo 11”, con prefazione di ...

After 10 years of research, recording stories passed down by family members and gleaning much that was chronicled in his 2004 documentary, “Prisoners Among Us,” writer, lyricist, playwright and documentarian Joseph M. Orazi has released his captivating novel of historical fiction, L’America. This powerful series will remind readers of the impact im...

For one afternoon, Montclair became Montechiaro (Clear Mountain in Italian) at the Van Vleck House & Gardens, 21 Van Vleck St., for an event titled “From Montclair to Montechiaro: Discovering Italy in the Local Architecture.” The June 9 event began with a lecture by decorative arts historian Kathleen Bennett, and architect Frank Gerard Godlewski, a...

Following the unification of Italian states in the latter half of the 19th century, many peasants faced financial hardships caused by years of war and political turmoil over who would rule what – and how. The process was particularly hard on the southern regions of the country, viewed by their powerful northern counterparts as corrupt and unciviliz...

The Italian American Writers Association Presents its 28th Anniversary Reading Series SATURDAY, JUNE 29 @ NYPL Mulberry St.  features  Bordighera Book Boost x2:  Maria Giura and Maria Terrone Maria Giura is the author of What My Father Taught Me, (Bordighera Press), which was recently named a finalist for the Paterson Book Prize. Her second book, a...

The voice is instantly, almost violently recognizable — aloof, amused and melancholy. The metaphors are sparse and ordinary; the language plain, but every word load-bearing. Short sentences detonate into scenes of shocking cruelty. Even in middling translations, it is a style that cannot be subsumed; Natalia Ginzburg can only sound like herself. Gi...

Thursday, July 11, 2019. 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM CDT. American Italian Cultural Center, 537 S. Peters St., New Orleans, LA 70130. Join us at the AICC on Thursday, July 11 for an author presentation and book signing with Kathy Curto featuring Not for Nothing: Glimpses into a Jersey Girlhood. "In this tense and tender memoir, Curto dishes up her family's c...

John Domini’s The Color Inside a Melon is published today. He shares five novels of Italian-American immigration, noting, “The Great American Novel, that creature of legend, could only be a novel of immigration. Newcomers—willing or otherwise—created this catchall of a country, and the ongoing wrangle of assimilation defines both the Bohemians of W...