Volossal Publishing is proud to announce the release of our fourth novel with celebrated Italian-American author Catherine Gigante-Brown. Her BETTER THAN SISTERS boldly blurs the line between Young Adult and Women’s fiction. BETTER THAN SISTERS weaves a timeless tale that spans several decades, generations, cultures and genres, telling the story of...

GODERE DELLA PIÙ BELLA VISTA di Manhattan. Scoprire gli artisti emergenti più interessanti. Fare romantiche passeggiate nei distretti storici ricchi di brownstone (tipiche case dell’Ottocento in arenaria rossa). Assaggiare i piatti più esotici nelle fiere del cibo da strada numero uno in America. Assistere a un grande evento sportivo o a un mega co...

A new restaurant getting ready to open up on 5th Avenue hopes to make customers feel more like they're sitting at a pizzeria in Italy than one in New York City, owners said. L'Arte della Pizza Brooklyn, a collaboration between two Italian pizza chefs, is putting the final touches to its 172 5th Avenue storefront next week. The restaurant plans to h...

The wildly popular HBO mob series “The Sopranos” celebrated the 20th anniversary of its debut in January, and while the fade to black finale, played out with Shakespearean flair to the strains of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’,” left the fate of Tony, Carmella, Meadow and A.J. Soprano in limbo, there is no doubt that the new prequel has begun film...

Should you find yourself near Williamsburg’s waterfront on a given afternoon, you might discover an act of theater unfolding on Kent Avenue. Looking through the ground-level windows of the restaurant Misi, chef Missy Robbins’s eatery that opened last fall, you’ll find cooks preparing for the evening’s guests. Specifically, they are making pasta—kne...

I’m in a dessert lover’s dreamland. Zeppole and sfingi surround me. A baker brushes glaze on tarts topped with fresh fruit. Three perfect lemon pies with sky-high swirls of meringue are coming out of the oven in a minute. I’m in the kitchen at Pasticceria Monteleone, a traditional Sicilian bakery in Carroll Gardens. I have a lifelong obsession with...

A fire broke out inside a beloved Brooklyn bakery Tuesday, injuring four firefighters. According to the FDNY, at around 5 p.m. on March 26, a two-alarm fire occurred inside Savarese Italian Pastry Shoppe at the corner of 60th Street and New Utrecht Avenue. More than 100 firefighters were on the scene to put out flames at the three-story building. T...

In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY announces the readings of Italian plays in translation to be presented as part of In Scena! 2019. In Scena! will partner for the third year with the Italian Playwright Project (IPP) curated by Valeria Orani (Umanism NYC) together with the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center at CUNY, to present a reading of My Hero b...

The Grimaldi’s Pizza headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona has never managed the original, foot-of-the-Brooklyn-Bridge location, which operated as an independent pizza shop until recently. However, Grimaldi’s has announced that its iconic 1 Front St. pizza shop will now be managed in Arizona as well, and will reopen on March 29 after renovations are...

Giampietro “Lillo” Remia left his job as a pastry chef in Rome “for love.” He moved with his family to Brooklyn, where he opened Lillo Cucina Italiana, a humble neighborhood trattoria. “I was living here for a few years, and really, I [kept] looking for the same place—an Italian place where you can [talk] soccer, politics. And it was not easy [to f...