di Eleonora Puntillo   «Il bisnonno sarà contento: l'Inferno l'ho stampato prima a dispense poi in volume, e ci ho guadagnato pure, il Purgatorio l'ho depositato in Siae e fra poco lo stampo, col Paradiso sono arrivata al canto ottavo e vado avanti spedita...».   Dall'alto dei suoi 93 anni, Matilde nata Pierro e coniugata Donnarumma,...

Giuseppe Moscati was born in 1880 in Benevento, Italy, and was the seventh of nine children. Eventually, his family settled in Naples, but often took holiday in Avellino. His father was a judge who would often volunteer at the local church, bringing young Giuseppe with him.   In 1893, Giuseppe’s older brother, Alberto, su...

Within the splendid setting of Villa Fiorentino, the Fondazione Sorrento, in collaboration with the Comune of Sorrento, presents the exhibit "Mario Sironi: Pittura - Grande Decorazione – Illustrazione," a grand event that pairs perfectly well with the Sorrentine spring, open to the public until April 20th. On view are works from the collections of...

Campania Felix LLC, Mind the Bridge Foundation, Two Universities by the Bay, and Unite the Two Bays cordially invite you to: Napoli and San Francisco Act II A Fundraising Event to celebrate the second anniversary of Unite The Two Bays and to launch its new programs: From Vesuvio to Silicon Valley...and back Biophysics of Amyloids and Prions...

by Alex Schechter   There's a reason Italy ranks as one of the top-visited destinations in the world. Actually, there are a lot of reasons. Its exquisite beauty, its relaxed pace, its startling integration of the ancient and the modern—it all contributes to the magic.   Whether you're flying down pistes in the Dolomites, or sunning yo...

Tickets are now on sale to the general public for "Pompeii: The Exhibition," opening Feb. 7, 2015, at Pacific Science Center.   Produced by Premier Exhibitions and the heritage administrators of Pompeii and Naples, the show tells the tale of an ancient city hidden until its rediscovery more than 250 years ago.   Read more   Sou...

Ravello, Costiera amalfitana Lunedi 6 ottobre, alle ore 10,30, presso le rinnovate sale di Palazzo Tolla, sede del Municipiodi Ravello, si inaugura la mostra dal titolo From Italy to America. In esposizione ritratti di uomini, donne e paesaggi immortalati dal fotografo italo-americano Anthony Riccio e protagonisti di un reportage che ha fatto tappa...

It doesn't take long to understand Naples. Once you make your way through the unruly traffic, honking horns, locals shouting in thick dialect across alleys lined with wet laundry, past racy black lace garters on display in shop windows, shrines to the Madonna with blue neon and plastic flowers set into palazzo walls, churches decorated with carved...

di Patrizia Capua   Hanno appena chiuso un accordo di distribuzione con Kroger, la prima catena di mercati per prodotti alimentari degli Stati Uniti, con 1800 punti vendita, che li ha scelti come partner nel settore premium. Così a metà luglio la pasta Di Martino farà la sua entrata trionfale sugli scaffali con otto formati in una confezione...

The art of reproducing the nativity scene is linked to an ancient tradition in Italy. Three cities are particularly famous for their presepi: Bologna, Genoa, and Naples.   The Bolognese tradition dates back to the 13th century, and it is different from other nativity scenes realized in Italy because all characters are entirely hand carved, i...