WTI Magazine #48 2014 November, 26Author : Umberto Mucci Translation by: Hi everybody, first of all, Happy Thanksgiving from We the Italians to you all! Make no mistake, we too celebrate it here in Rome, with turkey, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes!A few days ago, as President of We the Italians I had the opportunity to be part o...
READ MOREby Nicoletta Picchio Italian companies could increase their productivity by between 30% and 50% by using new technologies.The new frontier of Industry 4.0, which has already been the focus of other countries, must soon become our target. We are not starting from scratch, but Italy must fill its digital divide and aim at growth, according t...
READ MOREL'accordo di libero scambio Usa-Ue "è un fatto straordinario, abbasserà i dazi, aprirà agli investimenti e sarà il motore della crescita. L'Italia sarà il principale beneficiario dell'abbattimento delle barriere verso gli Stati Uniti". Lo ha detto il viceministro dello Sviluppo economico Carlo Calenda alla cerimonia di inaugurazione dell'84esima ed...
READ MORECarlo Calenda is the Italian Vice Minister for the Economic Development, and this is his first experience in politics. This column is not used to interview Italian political figures, but we perceive him as someone who is completely different from the Italian political standard. He is young and competent; he has already played an important role in t...
READ MOREdi Alessandro Barbera Nella cartina dei flussi di scambi fra l'Italia e il resto del mondo la grande scommessa di chi ha esportato negli ultimi anni è stata quella che aveva spinto Marco Polo a Oriente. Turchia, Cina, Russia, India: la crescita prepotente di quelle economie oggi è il mercato più ricercato dai settori tradizionali della man...
READ MOREIl Vice Ministro per lo Sviluppo Economico Carlo Calenda si recherà, lunedì 28 aprile, in visita ufficiale negli Stati Uniti accompagnato dal Vice Direttore generale di Confindustria Daniel Kraus, dai vertici delle principali associazioni di settore (Anfia, Assocalzaturifici, Assica, Cosmetica Italia, Federalimentare, Federmacchine, Federorafi e Sm...
READ MOREThe moment for six-month vouchers has nearly arrived for companies that wish to tap government funds to hire a temporary export manager to help them penetrate foreign markets. Vice Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda, speaking at a conference in Bologna, said the list of companies able to supply the managers in question will be...
READ MOREby Rossella Bocciarelli An additional half point of GDP over three years and a 30,000 unit boost in employment - that's the potential impact that the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) could have on Italy's economy. According to an estimate by Prometeia, Italy's GDP would rise by €5.6 billion net of inflation if partner...
READ MOREdi Antonio Passarelli L'internazionalizzazione fin dalla prima adozione nel 2008 dello "Small Business Act" da parte della Commissione Europea è stata considerata tra i dieci punti necessari a garantire il superamento degli ostacoli al pieno dispiegarsi del potenziale di sviluppo e di creazione di posti di lavoro delle PMI. Le PMI...
READ MORENew Economic Development Minister Carlo Calenda will oversee a plan to increase coordination between his ministry, the Italian Trade Agency and Italy's 20 regions to make it easier for foreign companies to invest in Italy. A first meeting of the Foreign Investment Committee will be held today at the Economic Development Ministry. The Confindustria...