Si è parlato di "Associazionismo e italiani nel mondo: rapporti e prospettive" al convegno promosso stamane a Palazzo Marini dall'onorevole Fucsia Nissoli (Sc). Organizzato in collaborazione con Unaie, Niaf e American University of Rome, l'appuntamento di questa mattina è stato aperto dai saluti del senatore Mario Monti (Sc), del Ministro per l'int...
READ MORERome, September 19, 2012 The residence of the U.S. Ambassadors to Italy Benvenuti a tutti e grazie per esser venuti a questa presentazione del volume sulla storia di Villa Taverna. Welcome everyone to Villa Taverna and thank you for joining us today for a presentation about a project that has been very important to me and to my wife Rose. First a...
READ MORERoma, 5 febbraio 2013Ambasciata Americana Buongiorno a tutti! Ė un vero piacere per me darvi il benvenuto presso la sede dell'Ambasciata Americana, in occasione della conferenza sul ruolo ed il futuro dell'industria farmaceutica Americana in Italia. Ringrazio tutti gli illustri ospiti presenti qui oggi che hanno accettato il mio invito, nonostan...
READ MOREFoe those who, like me, have the heart dividedbetween the Us and Italy, the American Ambassador to Italy is a fundamental point of reference. From 2009 the actual Ambassador is H.E. David Thorne, who was born here because his father Landon Thorne Jr., was in 1952 the person in charge for the Marshall Plan in Italy. H.E. Thorne speaks Italian ve...
READ MOREROME (Oct. 31, 2012) Professor Ciccarone, Professor Celant, faculty members, current and former students of the Faculty of Economics of La Sapienza University. Thank you for your invitation to join today's gathering for the "Best in Class" Awards Ceremony. You honor me with your welcome at this time-honored and greatly respected university and wit...
READ MOREby David H. Thorne Thank you, Richard. I am very pleased to be here today at what is widely considered the world's premier art fair. For years, the Venice Biennale has attracted the most exciting artists of their time. For all participating countries, the Biennale is an opportunity to showcase the creativity and innovation of thei...
READ MOREdi Mario Calabresi L'ultimo incidente arriva proprio sul traguardo: l'arresto a Panama e il rimpatrio negli Usa dell'ex capocentro della Cia a Milano Robert Seldon Lady, condannato in Italia a nove anni di carcere per il rapimento di Abu Omar, ma di questo proprio non vuole parlare, si capisce quanto la situazione sia delicata e tesa, tant...
READ MOREThe annual international conference of the Council for the United States and Italy will take place in Venice from Friday, June 7, to Saturday, June 8, 2013 at the Hotel Excelsior, Venice Lido. Attendance is reserved only to members of the Council and invited guests, including Italian and key international figures from politics, acade...