Dear friends, so many things happened, both in Italy and in the US, since the last editorial! I finally had the opportunity to be back in the US, this time with my friend Fabrizio Fasani, General Director of We the Italians. We participated at the Italian Embassy in Washington in the presentation of the Transatlantic Investment Committee, a project...

Italy increasingly intercultural It used to be said that Italy has transformed over the years from a country of emigration into a country of immigration: this phrase has never been true and, even more so, it is not true now because it is belied by data and facts. People have never stopped leaving from Italy, and in the last few difficult years of l...

Dear friends, September has come, summer is ending and we have so many things we’re working on!   One of the two interviews in this month's magazine is with Roberto Sgalla, the Director of the Centro Studi Americani, the home of Italians who love the United States. We the Italians collaborates with this wonderful institution and is partner of the F...

Italy and Italians at the test of the global pandemic The Covid-19 epidemic has suspended all forms of mobility, including international migration. Preliminary estimates published in International Migration 2020 suggest a reduction of about two million people, but despite this, the number of international migrants worldwide reached 281 million in 2...

Ciao from Rome!   As you probably know, at the end of October Rome hosted the G20 Summit, where the 20 most important countries in the world gather their leaders to talk about the future of the world. We the Italians sent a small reminder to the press offices of the summit and the embassies of the 20 countries involved. A symbolic communication, on...

“Scoprirsi Italiani, speciale USA: il viaggio delle radici in Italia”, questo è stato il titolo del webinar condotto e moderato dal ricercatore Giuseppe Sommario dell’Associazione AsSud insieme a Riccardo Giumelli, membro ORI e Università Mar del Plata. Sommario ha ricordato l’esperienza già di successo del Piccolo Festival delle Spartenze; introdu...

The AsSud Association (which has among its statutory purposes the study of emigration and the relationship between migration and the territories of departure and arrival, see in this regard the "Piccolo Festival delle Spartenze" founded by the Association in 2016) has established the Osservatorio sulle Radici Italiane - Observatory on Italian Roots...

Il Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo 2020 conferma l’esistenza di una forte realtà emigratoria da parte degli italiani; Esistono lungo tutta la Penisola variegate realtà emigratorie. Ed è proprio nelle aree a ridosso delle grandi città o nei borghi di provincia che si assiste a un più forte spopolamento. Ma quanti sono ufficialmente gli italiani all’este...

Sono 5,5 milioni gli italiani residenti all’estero nel 2020. Un vero e proprio boom con 198 mila iscritti in più all’Aire rispetto all’anno precedente. Lo registrano i dati Aire contenuti nel XV Rapporto italiani nel mondo 2020 presentato stamani dalla fondazione Cei Migrantes.  In particolare, al 1 gennaio 2020 la popolazione residente in Italia è...