LINGUA E CULTURA ITALIANA – LIVELLO IThis class is designed for children who are fluent or semi-fluent in Italian and are in the kindergarten to 1st grade age braket.Children will have an opportunity to improve their conversation skills, learn how to read and write in Italian.Particular attention is given to orthography and morphology of the langua...

Ieri sera a New York una decina di studenti provenienti dalle scuole più difficili dei cinque distretti sono stati i protagonisti di un'iniziativa che difficilmente dimenticheranno. La Palazzo Strozzi Foundation Usa, per il terzo anno consecutivo, ha infatti selezionato i ragazzi più meritevoli per un viaggio premio in Italia alla scoperta dei teso...

Dear Friends, Family, Students, Supporters: Please click here to visit the page of our new fundraising rally "Keep Italingua Alive!" As you already know, Italingua is not just a place where people learn to speak Italian -- they come to us to feel Italian, to be supported by a warm extended Italian family; and while learning how to conjugate verbs...

Guest chefs Mary Menniti of The Italian Garden Project, Anna Torrance and Jennifer Bamonte demonstrate how to prepare traditional Italian American recipes of the holiday season in the center's kitchen.   The mission of The Italian Garden Project is to celebrate the joy and wisdom inherent in the traditional Italian American vegetable garden,...

La prima volta che sono entrata nello yard di Harvard non sapevo ancora che quel crocevia così denso di studenti e turisti a breve sarebbe stato per me una nuova casa.   A colpirmi di più non furono tanto gli edifici con i caratteristici mattoncini rossi, o la celebre statua delle "tre menzogne" (la terza più fotografata di tutti gli Stati U...

Eduitalia, Associazione che riunisce 78 Scuole/Università qualificate che offrono in Italia corsi per studenti stranieri, è lieta di sostenere le iniziative dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington tese alla promozione della Lingua e Cultura Italiana negli Stati Uniti.   Le borse di studio consentiranno ai beneficiari di vivere l'Italia come me...

From May 1 to October 31, Milan will become a global showcase as it hosts the World's Fair Expo, where more than 140 countries will share their solutions to one of today's most pressing issues: feeding the planet.   Three UM students, from the College of Arts & Sciences and from the School of Communication, were selected to represent the...

  WTI Magazine #56    2015 March, 20Author : John Cabot University      Translation by:   Whether they hail from the U.S., or one of the other 60+ countries represented at John Cabot University, students who study abroad in Rome are sure to encounter some fascinating (and perhaps unexpected) cultural differences. The opportunity to experience di...

The 22nd annual Italian Night Fundraiser event presented by the Columbia High School Italian Language and Culture Club will be held Friday, February 5, at the CHS cafeteria. Club Advisor Enrica Funari explained the theme is "Italian Renaissance Knights" and is focused on the Northern Regions of Italy.   Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for st...

1. Italian –American Historical Society of Connecticut: SCSU Scholarship for students of Italian The Italian American Historical Society of Connecticut will award one to three $1,000 scholarships to Italian language students at SCSU who meet most of the following criteria: The student is a full-time student enrolled at SCSU;The Student must be pr...