The Bridgewater-Raritan School District in Central New Jersey, is currently looking for a Certified Italian Teacher to teach at the high school. The full time, tenure track position is available starting February 1. Position – Full time Teacher of Italian; Type – Tenure track; Certification – NJ Teacher of Italian (CE, CEAS or Standard);...

By Katherine Schaeffer Angela Hertz's Italian-American grandparents taught her to love her heritage — the food, the culture and the sense of family.  But it wasn't until Hertz started college that she learned the language, studying abroad to hone her language skills. "I made it my career," said Hertz, 38, who has taught Italian at the hi...

The CUNY Graduate Center and the Columbia University Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies invite proposals for papers to be presented at a conference featuring new research on early modern and modern Italian Jewish life in relation to and in dialogue with the larger context of Mediterranean, European, and American Jewish history. The confer...

By Gaetano Cipolla   2015 marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Giovanni Meli, Sicily's most celebrated poet, who died of pneumonia on December 20, 1815. Prof. Giovanni Ruffino, director of the Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani, in collaboration with Sicily's three major universities organized a four-day conference in...

Northern and Central California, Sacramento, Stockton, San Francisco and Bay Area Schools can offer their students the opportunity to study Italian. Thanks, in part, to a contribution from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) more children in Northern California, the Central Valley and the entire San Francisco BayArea have the opportunity...

The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures offers Vincenti Scholarship to declared majors in French, Spanish, Italian, and Romance Languages to assist with the costs of studying abroad. These funds are specifically for semester or academic year U-M study abroad programs. Awards are based on a student's academic achievements, strength of ap...

Stasera alle 18.00 presso l'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington si terrà una cerimonia di consegna di 78 borse di studio a favore di studenti che hanno sostenuto l'esame "Advanced Placement" (AP) di italiano nel maggio 2013 e di insegnanti di italiano negli Stati Uniti.   28 borse sono state offerte da Eduitalia (consorzio che riunisce una sett...

The Department of Romance Languages at the University of Georgia ( seeks to hire non-tenure track instructors of French, Italian, and Spanish beginning August 2015. Typical teaching load is four courses per semester at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Position renewable indefinitely based upon annual...

I'm thrilled to introduce an exciting new competition open to all public and private high school students in San Francisco, California and New York City, New York called "Pisan Romanesque meets Contemporary America".   This educational contest will teach American high schoolers about the awe-inspiring Pisan Romanesque period and promote a de...

Avete amici che vogliono imparare l'italiano? Italians in DC è fiera di annuciare la sua partnership con l'Italian Language Program dell'Italian Cultural Society. La partership prevede sconti altper i soci di Italians in DC per l'anno accademico 2013/2014. Fondata nel 1974 con il contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, l'Italian Language Pr...