by Robert Gallo A visit to San Diego's Italian Cultural Center, San Diego State University and Online Italian language programs will reveal that the typical grammar and memorization of language has taken a turn toward teaching more practical aspects of using the Italian language.   "The Italian Cultural Center (ICC) is not just a school, we...

Il Dipartimento Istruzione della città di New York promuove due classi bilingue nel 20mo distretto (Brooklyn) che utilizzeranno come seconda lingua l'italiano.   I corsi, rivolti ai bambini in età pre-scolare a partire dai 4 anni, organizzato dalla "Federation of Italian-American Ortganizations" (FIAO) e dal 20mo Distretto, partiranno a sett...

An Italian teacher for levels I, II, and III is needed at Potomac High School in Prince William County, Virginia. Please contact Mr. Michael Wright, Principal at 703-441-4200 or [email protected]. Candidates may also contact Carol Bass, Supervisor for World Languages in Prince William County at [email protected].   The program is fairly n...

THURSDAY, May 14, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Chapman University - Beckman Hall- Fourth Floor, Patio Free and Open to all who want to improve their language skills, learn about the Italian culture, speak with native speakers, and socialize with members of the local community and students!   For more information contact Dr. Fede...

Un "sentito ringraziamento" per la "dedizione all'insegnamento della lingua italiana" di cui anche quest'anno "hanno dato testimonianza i docenti di italiano negli Stati Uniti" è stato espresso dall'Ambasciatore italiano a Washington, Claudio Bisogniero, in una lettera indirizzata ai docenti, il 26 giugno scorso.   Nella lettera, il diplomat...

Food is one of Italy's most wonderful cultural contributions to the world, on a par with its unsurpassed art, architecture and other famous innovations. There is no single, monolithic Italian cuisine. Italian food culture is very regional. With a varied geography, and an even more diverse history, Italian cuisine changes, depending on where you are...

It was the dinner and not the school bell that rang at 9:30am on Saturday, October 26th when the Italian Wine Specialist Certification Course commenced. Perfectly staged at one of Miami's most popular Italian restaurants, Toscano Divino, a group of wine professionals and recreationists gathered to learn all that there is to know about Italian wine....

A rainy and wintery Tuesday afternoon, right before dark, I find myself standing inside a sleek, post-modern, environmentally friendly house, nested in the thick woods; inside, in a brightly lit room behind large glass windows, a group of middle-aged and distinct-looking people sit in a circle sipping warm steamy drinks.   A younger-looking...

L'Inaugural Italian-American Symposium in Pediatrics si svolgerà il 28-30 ottobre presso il Ruth and Tristram Colket, Jr. Translational Research Building di Philadelphia. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is pleased to announce its inaugural Italian-American Symposium in Pediatrics in collaboration with the Meyer Childre...

By Jenel Few Danielle Pinkerton spent four years working to build a high school the entire county could be proud of, not just the islands community.   Now, she's going to Rome. Pinkerton, who opened Islands High school in 2010, will leave the Savannah-Chatham County public school system on June 30 to become head of an international sch...