The NJ Italian Heritage Commission has recently begun a project to record the oral histories of Italians and Italian Americans in New Jersey. The Commission will be collaborating with the Rutgers Oral History Archive (ROHA). The Commission and ROHA have already begun selecting interviewees and will begin recording interviews in January, 2016. The...

Borse di studio per giovani italiani per la frequenza di corsi intensivi in Entrepreneurship and Management della durata di tre mesi presso la Santa Clara University, California, nella Silicon Valley. A concederle – almeno tre – per l'anno accademico 2016/17 è il programma BEST, promosso da Invitalia – agenzia nazionale per l'attrazione degli inves...

Il Comune di Picerno, la scuola Itis 'A.Einstein' e Hutchinson Technical High School Buffalo insieme per il progetto "Global identity: from the roots to the wings".   "Il progetto nasce dall'esigenza culturale e dalla necessità di apertura verso nuovi orizzonti – precisano dall'Itis - e fondamentale è stato l'incontro di alcuni docenti e all...

The University of Rhode Island is expanding an international engineering program to Italy. The university announced Friday that it has signed an agreement with the University of Calabria allowing URI engineering students to spend a semester at the university before pursuing a six-month internship.   URI's international engineering program i...

Dear ICCC Members and Friends, the ICCC is now hiring! We are looking for: 1. ITALIAN TEACHER FOR CHILDREN CLASSES   Job description Part time teaching position. Small classes (5 to 10 students). Children classes. Classes are on Saturday morning. Syllabus required.  

Sensational summer fun is still a couple of months away, but here at Scuola Italiana, we are already imagining bright, sunny days and happy, giggling children exploring the world through our soccer, cooking and music camps.    To jump start the summer fun, we invite all children ages 3 to 12 years old to participate in our pre-camp cont...

IASA menber Jerome Krase reports on "Seeing Brooklyn Change": A Call for Student Researchers, Photographers, and Videographers: More than 30 years ago, Brooklyn College students, under my direction, created an exhibit that photographically documented life in the borough's Italian American neighborhoods. It was the centerpiece of a conference and al...

Non-profit organizations are usually good at one or two things, and tend to work "narrow and deep" due to their mission statements.   Here in Nutley, UNICO is a far-reaching, multi-faceted, tireless non-profit, and like a charitable octopus, seems to have its many hard working tentacles always busy - and giving back to the community in many,...

Don't miss out on the first lecture of the season! Learn Sicilian-Mparamu / lu Siciliano by Professor Cipolla. Friday, September 13, 2013 at 6:30pm Lecture presented by Professor Gaetano Cipolla who will also present his latest book Mparamu lu Siciliano. Professor Cipolla will provide a historical background on the Sicilian language as the f...

di Maurita Cardone   Sono lontani i tempi in cui gli immigrati italiani che arrivavano in America dovevano cercare di integrarsi anche a spese della propria identità culturale. Oggi i nuovi immigrati sono giovani, con un grado di istruzione generalmente alto, e non hanno intenzione di vergognarsi delle proprie origini né di recidere il legam...