The Department of Italian invites you to a lecture by Fulvio S. Orsitto who is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Italian and Italian American program at California State University at Chico.   Born in Turin, Italy, he holds undergraduate degrees from the University of Turin, an M.A. in Film Studies and a Ph.D. in Italian from th...

I Charlie Awards sono un evento annuale di raccolta fondi che la corporazione non-profit The Hollywood Arts Council organizza da ormai 28 edizioni, a favore della comunità locale ed in particolare degli studenti a rischio di abbandono scolastico.   L'obiettivo principale, attraverso la promozione di programmi d'istruzione di qualità avviati...

New social workers will work increasingly with people from diverse immigrant groups who are often marginalized. The University of Kansas is working to increase study abroad experiences in a field that is growing its emphasis on international or global practice, including a current visit by students, faculty and staff from Milan, Italy.   Sev...

Back when I was a kid, my family lived on Potrero Hill, but my sister, brother and I all had a kind of dual San Francisco citizenship. We were Mission kids, too.   We walked a dozen blocks every day down 24th Street to St. Peter's Catholic School on Florida Street. It was another world, then. The Mission was blue-collar, and almost all the k...

"Filitalia International's Scholarship – says Rosetta Miriello - programs benefit our young member's futures. All completed scholarship applications must be at 1809-13 Oregon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19145 by 5pm ET, September 145h, 2014- no exceptions.   The scholarship recipients will be announced September 30th, 2014 and the winners will...

by Jodi Streahle   Twenty-five students won cash prizes for the artwork they entered in the 23rd annual Italian Heritage Student Art Show. Three best of show awards were given to: Laurianna Panico of Clearview Regional High School, Eli DelValle of Bridgeton High School and Nicholas Lonetto of St. Augustine Prep.   The show featur...

The Ambassador Peter F. Secchia Voyage of Discovery Program is sponsored by the National Italian American Foundation. This all-expenses paid trip for Italian American students covers round-trip airfare between Italy and America and 10 days of programs.   PURPOSE   To strengthen the Italian American identity by bonding young Italian-Am...

La Fondazione N.O.I. (Nuovi Orizzonti Italiani), ente gestore per la promozione della Lingua Italiana nella Circoscrizione Consolare di Detroit ha assegnato il premio "Brigida Bianco" a sedici studenti delle scuole superiori (High Schools) del Michigan e Ohio per aver ottenuto ottimi risultati nello studio della lingua italiana durante l'anno scola...

Just a few months ago, Domenico Savio Teker, took the reins as the new Director of the Scholastic Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Boston. We have had the pleasure of meeting him quite a few times during events held by the Consulate and at the many projects and initiatives tied to Italian language and culture in and around Boston. Today...

  WTI Magazine #13    2014 Jan, 17Author : Luigi Maria De Luca      Translation by:   Last tuesday evening in Washington DC a memorial service was held for Mary Wilmeth. It was a very nice moment, attended by, among others, representatives of the Italian- American cultural organizations, institutions, many frie...