Friday, 10/18/2019 - 6:30pm. Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, 24 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011-8604. Drs. Ann Wilkins and David Wilkins, two of the curators of the Sisters in Liberty: From Florence, Italy to New York, New York exhibition at the Ellis Island Museum of Immigration (October 18, 2019—April 26, 2020), will discuss Pio Fedi’s monumen...

October 18, 2019 to April 26, 2020. Ellis Island Museum of Immigration, New York. This exhibition will explore the intersection between the ideas that inspired two monumental statues of Liberty: Liberty of Poetry, by Pio Fedi in the church of Santa Croce in Florence, Italy, and the 1883 Frédéric Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty, which was inaugurated...

A pair of Illinois Italian Americans were among this year’s recipients of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. Attorney Enrico J. Mirabelli, corporate executive Sergio “Satch” Pecori and 90 others received their medals during a May 11 ceremony on Ellis Island. Mirabelli is a family law attorney with more than 37 years of experience. He served for 10 ye...

Quando i funzionari dell’Opera di S. Croce di Firenze  hanno contattato per la prima volta i loro colleghi del Museo di Ellis Island per proporre la mostra Sisters in Liberty,  che verrà inaugurata ad ottobre, non hanno ottenuto la risposta entusiastica che si aspettavano. In seguito hanno saputo che ogni anno decine di istituzioni propongono impro...

Consider it a slice of American history. Literally. Johnny's Pizzeria of Mount Vernon and Posa Posa Restaurant & Pizzeria in Nanuet are being recognized at the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration with a new exhibit entitled “A Slice of History: Pizza in America." The temporary show, produced by Evelyn Hill Inc. the food and beverage concess...

Giovanni Battista D’Ippolito era nato a Venafro. Nel 1880 (altri documenti parlano del 1876) decise, per rincorrere il “sogno americano”, di emigrare verso gli Stati Uniti. Si stabilì a Vineland, nella contea di Cumberland, in New Jersey. Sposò l’italo-americana Maria Di Pasqua. I due ebbero cinque figli: Gasper, Angelo, Solve E., Henry e John. Fu...

It may surprise no one to see names like "The Russo Family" from Sicily, Italy, or Anton Ivanovich Malygin from St. Petersburg, Russia, inscribed on Ellis Island's American Immigrant Wall of Honor — a manifestation of common migration patterns to the United States from Europe more than a century ago. But on a nearby panel, reflecting the Upper New...

The early generation of Italian immigrants took their first steps on U.S. soil in a place that has now become a legend—Ellis Island. In the 1880s, they numbered 300,000; in the 1890s, 600,000; in the decade after that, more than two million. By 1920, when immigration began to taper off, more than 4 million Italians had come to the United States, an...

Just before Christmas, I went to New York City with my Italian cousins, Monica and Carlotta. They live in Rome and we are related through grandfathers who were brothers: Ottavio (mine) and Francesco (theirs). Ottavio followed his sister to America in 1913 to pursue a life out of poverty. Francesco took his family to Rome for the same reason-as both...

Fulgenzio Pomponio scese dalla nave “America” a Ellis Island il 26 luglio 1921. All’età di soli 22 anni aveva alle spalle esperienze tutt’altro che simpatiche. Nato in uno sperduto paesino dell’Appennino abruzzese era uno dei “ragazzi del ‘99” ovvero di quella leva straordinaria arruolata nonostante la giovanissima età e spedita al fronte per arres...