"La simbolica data d'inizio dell'emigrazione italiana nelle Americhe può essere considerata il 4 ottobre 1852, quando venne fondata a Genova la Compagnia Transatlantica per la navigazione a vapore con le Americhe. Fra il 1880 e il 1915 approdano negli Stati Uniti quattro milioni di italiani, su 9 milioni circa di emigranti che scelsero di attravers...
READ MOREby David W. Dunlap Everywhere in America, immigration is an unending story. Everywhere, that is, except at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, where the story ends in 1954, when the immigrant processing and detention station there was closed. Next month, however, the museum will leap more than 60 years forward with the opening of...
READ MOREBy Angelo F. Coniglio I have detailed the type of information found on the ships' manifests of Southern Italian immigrants to Ellis Island, documents that are available on the free site www.ellisisland.org. That site, one of the first to display manifests, can be very helpful, but it has its drawbacks. ellisisland.org sometimes maddeningly display...
READ MOREby Ashley Edwards Walker An estimated 40 percent of Americans can trace their lineage through Ellis Island, America's first federal immigration center. In honor of its 125th anniversary this month, three women—all of whom had family members pass through there—share what their immigrant heritage means to them. The stories they recount here...
READ MOREFrom a mother with her seven children to a man staring longingly at the New York skyline, haunting photos show the faces of some of the 12 million immigrants hoping to achieve the American dream. Men, women, and children are pictured, many with solemn faces after travelling thousands of miles in poor conditions and knowing that they could be t...
READ MOREOn the long-abandoned walls and windows of Ellis Island's Immigrant Hospital, artist JR is reinterpreting American history. For UNFRAMED Ellis Island, the French multi-hyphenate has filled the iconic building with black-and-white tableaus of the Immigrant Hospital's former doctors and patients. With the support of Save Ellis Island (SEI) organizati...
READ MOREby Paolo Battaglia Prima di salire sul ferry che parte da Battery Park con destinazione Ellis Island, abbiamo fatto colazione in un take-away all'angolo tra 80th West e Broadway. Una turista canadese ci ha chiesto che cosa facessimo a New York, e alla nostra risposta le sono brillati gli occhi: anche lei era qui per Ellis Island, sulle tracce del...
READ MOREby Nancy Trejos The United States, long a magnet for immigrants, is getting its first national immigration museum. On May 20, the Ellis Island Museum will officially become the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration. The name change comes with the completion of the Peopling of America Center, which has been in development for sev...
READ MORE"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" This is the most famous part of "The New Colossus", the poem engraved on a plaque on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty....
READ MOREEllis Island was the gateway for more than 12 million immigrants who passed through its doors seeking a better future in America, from 1892 to 1954. The rich tapestry of cultures and nationalities who entered the new world there are revealed in these timeless photos taken between 1902-1913. The photographs, from the collection of William W...