For most immigrant groups the idea of upward mobility is an inevitable byproduct that is caused by the blood, sweat and tears of past generations. In most cases immigrants from the past and present, arrive in the US and yearn for the "American Dream."   They aspire to go from "rags to riches" or at least from nothing to something. Most immig...

On Nov. 18, the National Italian American Foundation was at the Philadelphia Media Forum, where along with WHYY, we hosted a special reception and screened clips from the upcoming four-hour documentary series, The Italian Americans, set to air nationally on PBS in February 2015.   The documentary, narrated by acclaimed actor Stanley Tucci, r...

By Angelo Coniglio   Once an immigrant ancestor's name and town of birth have been determined, we can begin the search for his/her vital records. After your search of family records, censuses, and passenger manifests, presumably at least an approximate year of birth is known.   If not, try to estimate: how old was your ancestor when h...

Used, as we are, to study the impact that the American consumer society had on we Italians here in Italy, it is interesting to understand how it influenced our compatriots who had emigrated there in America, and whether and how they have in turn played a role in it. To do so, we are meeting Prof. Simone Cinotto, author of a very interesting book t...

As Oklahoma City University professor Tracy Floreani learned from her Italian father, whether or not he is considered Caucasian constantly is changing in our culture. At one point in time, Italians, Jews and other lighter-skinned immigrants were not considered "white" strictly because of their heritage.   Read more   Source: htt...

The testimonies of Italian emigration to America (and to the world) are not just in the cities and in the countries where the lives of those who left developed after they landed. Even in Italy there is a (yet too small) network of museums regarding this topic, with an excellence standing: the Regional Museum of Emigration Pietro Conti in Gualdo Tad...

On the long-abandoned walls and windows of Ellis Island's Immigrant Hospital, artist JR is reinterpreting American history. For UNFRAMED Ellis Island, the French multi-hyphenate has filled the iconic building with black-and-white tableaus of the Immigrant Hospital's former doctors and patients. With the support of Save Ellis Island (SEI) organizati...

By Dr. Jon Gaudio   Immigration is a hot topic. I'm not sure why. We are all immigrants. Even the Pope is an immigrant. Let's face it: people of all races move around. And it's a good thing, I think. I have a patient whom I enjoy seeing because he's a "paisan," a fellow Italian-American named Frank.   Frank told me how, when...

Little Italy isn't just one neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, it's a group of neighborhoods all across America. These neighborhoods have been incorporated into the fabric of the towns they reside in and have become an essential part of each city. With a desire to maintain Italian culture, these neighborhoods prosper today through a strong work ethic...

È stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta ufficiale ed entrerà in vigore il 16 ottobre prossimo il decreto del presidente del Consiglio dei ministri (dpcm 23 agosto 2013, n.109) che istituisce l'Anagrafe nazionale della popolazione residente (Anpr).   L'Anpr è costituita, in questa prima fase di attuazione, dall'Indice nazionale delle anagrafi (Ina)...