Dati, cifre, ma anche incontri, volti, persone. Questo è il Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo edito dalla Fondazione Migrantes e giunto quest'anno alla sua decima edizione. Curato da Delfina Licata, il Rapporto è stato presentato questa mattina a Roma alla presenza di autorità religiose e laiche, rappresentanti delle associazioni e delle università, degl...

November 7 (Friday) 5:30 - 7:30 pmNovember 11 (Tuesday) 11:00 am to 12:30 pmFrom Italy to America: Their Story & Why They Came Every ethnicity has its story - and this is the story of Italians and why they came...Camp Italia is thrilled to present this unique program celebrating the origins of our Italian American heritage! The program consist...

Reggio Emilia, Edizioni Diabasis, 2011, pp.114, € 15.   Lo studio di Marco Portaluppi si inserisce nel progetto di ricerca del Centro Internazionale Studi Emigrazione Italiana di Genova (cisei), che nel 2005 ha dato vita alla collana «Dal porto al mondo», diretta da Antonio Gibelli, di cui Tra l'Appennino e l'America costituisce il quinto vo...

By Cookie Curci   The Statue of Liberty stands 151 feet, 1 inch high and weighs 225 tons. The length of her right arm is 42 feet long, her hand 16 feet 5 inches long. Her facial features include a prominent nose that measures 4 feet, 6 inches set between eyes 2 feet 6 inches in width.   Standing on her concrete pedestal base, she rise...

By Rick Shrum For a half-century, click America was a land of opportunity for people in Italy. Many had been impoverished and/or suppressed politically in their homeland, cialis and envisioned sunnier times across the Atlantic. "My grandparents were among the four million Italians who left for the United States between 1880 to 1930," Tina Calabro...

  WTI Magazine #11    2014 Jan, 3Author : Paolo Battaglia      Translation by:     December 21, 1937 - Disney's "Snow White" premieres in Los Angeles, CaliforniaAdriana Caselotti was the voice of Snow White in the 1937 Disney movie. The clear purity of her singing virtually defined one of the most famous...

Italian influence on American history can be traced back to Christopher Columbus and Americo Vespucci. The Founding Fathers, especially Jefferson and Franklin, were familiar with the Italian language and culture and with Roman history. Jefferson was a supporter of Filippo Mazzei and encouraged him in the early 1770s to bring Italian vintners to Vir...

By Gina Biancardi   Are you one of the 175,000 Italian-Americans living on Staten Island? Whether you consider yourself "Italian-American" or "American-Italian" or simply American with some traces of Italian ancestors, I wonder what significance being "Italian" has to you and to your family.   For me, as a first-generation Italia...

by Riccardo Chioni Il villaggio di Millbrook nel Upstate New York ha inaugurato il Museum in the Street, il primo che racconta la storia dell'immigrazione in lingua inglese e italiana attraverso 29 pannelli disseminati in strade e parchi per promuovere il proprio senso di identità storica e tramandarla alle future generazioni. Alla cerimonia del...

Andrew Roblee, facilities manager at Auburn's Seward House Museum, will present "Italians in the American Civil War" at 7 p.m. Monday, May 4, at Fr. Nacca Hall at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 301 Clark St. Auburn. This exploratory discussion will traverse the cultural landscape of 19th century America that immigrants from the Italian peninsul...