Parma's Palatine Library is one of those wonderful places where "immortal souls" speak to us, as Pliny the Elder would have said. Or, to quote Marguerite Yourcenar, it is "a public granary, accumulating stocks for the winter of the spirit". Founded in 1761 and opened eight years later, in May 1769, the Palatine Library was named after the Temple of...

by  Chiara Bussi   In order to survive the recession, Italian businesses have increased internal – "intra-muros" – R&D expenditure, according to a survey conducted by AIRI, the Italian Association for Industrial Research, based on ISTATdata.   In 2015, investments on innovation grew by 1% compared to 2014, but if we compare with 2...

by Andrea Carli   Cakes and candies, cakes and candies and more cakes and candies, and the diet can wait. At the end of the Easter holidays, families will have taken €400 million out of their pockets to buy confections, estimated Codacons, a consumer association.   Six out of ten Italians will serve the Colomba cake (shaped like a dov...

They call it "the villa of masterpieces": from Gentile da Fabriano to Dürer, Titian and Van Dyck, from Canova to the upsetting group portrait by Goya - not to mention Monet, Cézanne, Morandi, de Chirico, Burri and many more - musicologist and collector Luigi Magnani's villa just outside Parma, surrounded by a park, harbors many treasures. Visitors...

by Ben Quinn and Alberto Nardelli Being categorised by the Word Health Organisation as a cause of cancer might be bad enough, but being lumped in with English bangers and bacon has prompted a particularly outraged response from the guardian's of Italy's sacred tradition of Parma ham.   "Prosciutto di Parma isn't a processed meat or a sausag...

  WTI Magazine #63    2015 June, 27Author : Edoardo Peretti      Translation by:   In these days takes place one of the most important and internationally known Italian film festivals, at least among the movie enthusiasts: the Bologna "Cinema Ritrovato" (from 29 June to 4 July). It is not the dear old Venice Film Festival, or the Festival of Cin...

Il 23 giugno prossimo i discendenti delle famiglie Pasquesi emigrati negli Stati Uniti d'America a fine '800 e nei primi decenni del '900 si ritroveranno per trascorrere una giornata a Pievepelago, il paese sui monti dell'Appennino modenese dal quale i loro avi sono partiti.   Il tradizionale incontro, che si svolge già da 25 anni, solitamen...

by Margherita Biagi   Vinitaly 2015 has just closed the doors, leaving behind a record edition that went beyond all expectations.   The 49th edition of the mother of all Italian wine expositions put the crown on Lambrusco, just like the other top Italian wines awarded as usual. It's not only about a point of view of numbers, a consist...

Il gruppo farmaceutico Chiesi di Parma ha creato un proprio fondo di Venture Capital, ChiesiVentures, attraverso una collaborazione strategica con A.M. Pappas & Associates. Lo ha reso noto la societa'. L'obiettivo e' di espandere la rete di contatti Chiesi negli Stati Uniti presso istituzioni accademiche, investitori nel mondo del Venture Capit...

La passione per la buona cucina italiana e i suoi prodotti a volte si trasforma in business. Lo sanno bene i protagonisti del luccicante mondo di Hollywood che si scoprono o si improvvisano imprenditori nel campo della ristorazione o dell'alimentazione.Tra gli esempi più noti la leggenda del rock Sting che nel 2009 ha acquistato un agriturismo in T...