Naples hosts four days of enogastronomy, art, culture and music for Wine &Thecity, running May 21st-24th.The Campanian Capital is set to open its historic palazzi, courtyards, art and design ateliers, boutiques and grand hotels for tastings, aperitivo and art happenings, all of which focus on the best of local wines. With over 100 different pa...

Se vi trovate a Port Washington non siete certo in una zona italiana per eccellenza, ma se ci andate per lavoro o per una passeggiata tra le vie di questa deliziosa cittadina e avete voglia di mangiare italiano, sulla Main Street al n. 52, ad un passo dalla stazione centrale, troverete Rosso Uptown, una tipica trattoria italiana.   Tipica, s...

There is plenty for tourists to take in at the Ortigia market in Syracuse, Sicily: the distinctly southern Italian hum of the crowd; spices and vegetables so diverse they could color a rainbow and the calm blue sea in the distance.   But just wandering around this site, where Archimedes is said to have once helped the Greeks fight the Romans...

by Alison Cook   Several bites into the Dungeness crab salad at Amalfi, the svelte new Italian restaurant from former Arcodoro chef Giancarlo Ferrara, I hit something unfamiliar. Amid pearly hunks of crabmeat, gentle flecks of chive and perfumed lemon dressing hid a pale, stemmy green with a curiously supple crunch.   It wasn't bitter...

  WTI Magazine #57    2015 April, 3Author : SACE      Translation by:   ITALIAN FOODS: GROWTH SLOWING IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETSItalian exports of agro-food products totaled € 33 billion in 2013. This value is significant but the country has a great potential yet to be exploited. Compared to our principal peers, European and worldwide, on the one...

by Jonathan Bazzi   Starting from the ancient custom of storing food in the snow, over the centuries a taste developed for sweet drinks and cooled mixtures consumed at the beginning or end of a meal. A key step came with Eastern insights into artificial freezing methods.   With its resounding passion and interest in research from dist...

By Laurie Lucas   In a coup for the Inland Empire, an Italian couple has brought white-linen dining and classical cuisine from their homeland to Corona rather than to Orange County, as they'd originally planned. Alfredo Cali of Sicily and his wife, Donna Cali of Calabria, both 52 and married 27 years, opened Con Amore Ristorante (meanin...

by Kinsey Gidick   This spring, Beaufain Street's Leaf restaurant — that's the downtown Vickery's for some of you — will be transformed into an Italian restaurant. Michael and Caitlin Toscano are the couple behind the spot they've dubbed Le Farfalle, and today Michael, formerly of NYC's uber-successful Perla, revealed a few more details abou...

When I first heard that Nonna and I were going to be teaching a class at La Scuola di Eataly in New York City, I couldn't believe it! When I attended La Scuola's opening about a year ago to watch the Dean of students, the incomparable Lidia Bastianich, demonstrate a spring menu, I never imagined that I would have the honor of being able t...

Durante i vostri viaggi in America o semplicemente cercando informazioni sui ristoranti italiani negli Stati Uniti, vi sarà sicuramente capitato di imbattervi in un particolare piatto: le fettuccine Alfredo (o meglio, fettuccini. O ancora meglio, fetucini). Presente nei menu di quasi tutti i ristoranti italiani all'estero che -non- si rispettino (...