Il gran giorno è arrivato. All'interno del centro commerciale CityLife di Milano un folto gruppo di pasticceri ha preparato il tiramisù più lungo del mondo: ben 273,5 metri. Da record anche la folla di curiosi messi in coda per fotografare i pasticceri all'opera e per avere una delle 15mila fette gratis. Il Tiramisù di Galbani Santa Lucia si è aggi...

Wednesday March 27, 2019. 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT (Doors opent at 6:45 pm). Italian Cultural & Community Center, 1101 Milford St., Houston, TX 77006. $10 ICCC Members | $15 Non-members. Tickets here. Presented by Professor Mark Goldberg, Director of the UH Jewish Studies Program. The history of food opens windows into understanding many different asp...

The saying, “What goes around comes around,” is almost apropos in this case … Although it does have much to do with the re-opening of a closed West Bloomfield restaurant that at one time was considered among the better small Italian eating spots in this region … And it seems to have regained the lofty Italian dining note it once enjoyed. After four...

Partire dall’Italia per far fortuna in America. É la storia di tanti italiani, ed è sempre più la storia di Eataly, diventato in pochi anni uno dei marchi di punta del made in Italy del vino e del cibo nel mondo, che partito da Torino e diffuso nel mondo vede, oggi, per la prima volta, il Nord America contare più dell’Italia e dell’Europa intera, i...

Pizza may have originated in Italy, but it has become an American favorite. According to PMQ Pizza Magazine, the United States pizza market grew to $45.1 billion in 2018, and there were 75,243 pizzerias in the U.S. alone. The fact that a pizza magazine exists speaks to the immense popularity of pizza. The worldwide pizza market has also expanded to...

Lidia Bastianich has a devoted following from public TV cooking shows, her cookbooks and her restaurants. In her memoir, "My American Dream," which just came out in paperback, she describes how she came to love preparing food and how being a refugee and immigrant shaped her life. Those two parts of the story are interconnected. The year she was bor...

La Dolci Mania is a cafe first and foremost. Located in Carolina Forest next to the Ollie’s, the cafe opened this month. It’s currently serving sandwiches, some traditional baked goods and desserts, and starting next week — soups. While it does not have the full offerings of a bakery, everything is made in house with several products coming from It...

“Why are there so many people here?” an insistent 3-year-old Giacomo Baiamonte asked as he looked over a crowd squeezing into a corner of the Stilly Valley Collective. With that welcome, the mop-haired boy’s parents, Antonio and Kiersten, declared the grand opening of Caffe Italiano March 1, the newest barista stop brewing a little Italian coffee c...

Exports of 'Made In Italy' agrifood products reached a record level in 2018, seeing an increase of 1.8%, with an overall value of €41.8 billion. This is according to Italian farmers association Coldiretti, based on the final Istat data for 2018. Almost two thirds of Italian exports went to European countries, with Germany accounting for the highest...

An acclaimed Hudson Valley Italian cannoli maker is finally opening up their own bakery and cafe. You have probably already enjoyed some of Mamma Musetti's fresh baked Italian pastries without even knowing it. The legendary bakery run by Rosaria and Andre Musetti has been turning out some of the most delicious desserts in the Hudson Valley for year...