Francis Ford Coppola, the visionary director behind "The Godfather" and "Apocalypse Now," was named a 2024 Kennedy Center honoree earlier this year, celebrating his lifetime of artistic achievements. Over a career spanning more than half a century, the 85-year-old filmmaker has earned five Oscars, six Golden Globes, two Palme d'Or awards and a BAFT...

In 1989, The Walt Disney Company produced an anthology film that banded together two of the most celebrated filmmakers in history. New York Stories, featuring two shorts by Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola, is meant as a love letter to the Big Apple, but in reality, it's more or less an experiment to allow these master filmmakers to team up...

In 2001, My Voyage to Italy, a 1999 documentary directed by Martin Scorsese about Italian cinema, was presented out of competition at the Cannes Film Festival. The documentary, which lasts over four hours, features Scorsese’s deep and thoughtful critique alongside carefully selected clips from 24 of Italy’s greatest filmmakers. These include iconic...

Viale Francis Ford Coppola was unveiled yesterday ahead of Rome Film Festival. Francis Ford Coppola, the celebrated Italian-American director best known for The Godfather trilogy, was honoured at Rome's legendary Cinecittà film studios on Monday. Coppola, 85, received two special tributes: the naming of a street after him and the gift of the honora...

Francis Ford Coppola has been working on his epic sci-fi fantasy drama Megalopolis since the early 1980s. Fresh off the success of Apocalypse Now, Coppola became fascinated by the story of Lucius Sergius Catiline, who in 63 B.C. sought to forcibly overthrow the consuls of the Roman Republic, co-led by Marcus Tullius Cicero. This attempted coup d’et...

Love pizza? Love Wine? Dreaming of a trip to Italy? Then this cooking competition may be your thing. Just as you start feeling the FOMO of everyone and their friends and family and everyone in between posting pics of their summertime jaunts to Italy, you can try and turn that Italian vacation envy into a legit trip. Francis Ford Coppola Winery just...

On 14 March 1972, the iconic crime epic The Godfather premiered in New York. With its haunting score, its subtle, evocative cinematography, its endlessly quotable dialogue and its powerhouse performances – which served to revive Marlon Brando's career and make a star of a young Al Pacino – it is now widely regarded as one of the greatest films of...

Francis Ford Coppola has decided to reveal how often he thinks about the Roman Empire. The filmmaker took to Instagram Friday to join the TikTok trend by asking himself the viral question: “How often do you think about the Roman Empire?” “Quite a lot,” Coppola wrote in response. “As the Roman Republic served as the example for my country America an...

The masterpiece directed by Francis Ford Coppola won three statuettes at the 45th Academy Awards on March 27, 1973. It has remained in history the absence at the ceremony of Al Pacino and Marlon Brando, with the latter rejecting the award and sending Apache-born American actress and activist Yaqui Sacheen Littlefeather in his place. It has been 50...

Few genres delve deeper into the mythos of the American dream like the mafia drama, and no Italian-American mafia tale is more iconic than "The Godfather" saga. Adapted from Mario Puzo's bestselling novel by the same name and premiering in 1972, the first "Godfather" film was the highest-grossing film of all time until supplanted by "Jaws" in 1976....