di Antonella Finucci   Se volete vivere un sogno dentro atmosfere da favola, se volete perdervi in mezzo alle viuzze di pittoreschi borghi medievali o, ancora, se volete sentirvi re e regine per un giorno, seguiteci: abbiamo selezionato per voi i 20 castelli più belli d'Italia.   Arroccate su maestose montagne, immerse in scenari natu...

It's a 1,737 mile drive from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn to the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, in Keystone, South Dakota. If you're taking I-80 and I-90 westbound you can do the trip in 26 hours. There's no way to do the trip faster, just as to date, there hasn't been a way to bridge the gap that exists between the United States Department of the...

I am looking at a six-seat dining table and in less than 15 seconds, this is turned into a table for 12 by an Italian man without using any tools but his hands. Alessandro Calligaris is a third-generation furniture maker from Manzano, Italy.   He is showing me tables that practically transform themselves into shorter or longer or taller vers...

There are many ways to analyze the contribution of the Italian Americans to the society, the economy, the culture, the greatness of the United States. One of these ways is celebrating those who have given their talent and their hard work to build monuments known and loved by every American, and not only by the Americans. There's an Italian who con...

Friuli-Venezia Giulia is a region in Italy's north-eastern side, on the border with Slovenia. It counts many arts cities, offers some nice beaches for families and has a long tradition of wine production.   Trieste is the main city of this region. When walking around in the centre, you can't miss Piazza Unità d'Italia, the largest European s...

di Riccardo Chioni   Ieri Eataly a migliaia di clienti che visitano ogni giorno il mega gourmet store ha regalato il Prosciutto Day nella sua Piazza, con il titolare del prosciuttificio Dok Dall'Ava, uno dei più antichi del celebrato San Daniele. Coltello alla mano, Carlo Andrea Dall'ava è arrivato al fondo, con la gente che porge la ma...

On February 15, 1955, the U.S. settled down in Italy at Aviano Air Base. Sixty years later, the base, mission and partnership with the Italian community has grown immensely. To celebrate this milestone, the base and their Italian neighbors hosted a celebration July 3, 2015, here.   The evening festivities included static displays, speci...

by Claudia Baroncelli   If you are traveling to Northern Italy this summer and you are looking for sun, crystalline clear water and relax, Swide has selected for you the best beaches you can find there. Take note!   Beyond the wonderful beaches you can find in Southern and Central Italy, with crystalline clear water and pristine sand,...

Pesariis, in the province of Udine, is known for its clocks. "Time machines" have been manufactured here since the 18th century – officially since 1725, when the Solari company was founded: wall-mounted clocks, bell tower clocks, water and striking clocks, but also sun dials, pendulum clocks, clocks that register and stamp cards, clocks with writin...

O-I Manufacturing Italy, azienda leader mondiale nella progettazione e produzione di contenitori in vetro per alimenti e bevande, tra il 2014 e il 2015 investira' 50 milioni di euro per l'ammodernamento tecnologico del sito produttivo di Villotta di Chions (Pordenone), finalizzato alla riduzione dell'impatto ambientale e al risparmio energetico dei...