In the United States, Italy is still a country with lots of “parts unknown“. To contribute filling this gap, the Italian magazine Panorama together with the Italian Business & Investment Initiative have decided to organize a three-day event dedicated to the discovery and celebration of Italian excellence. Food & Wine, business, fashion, energy, ser...
READ MOREWhen people think about Italian excellences, they usually have food & wine, fashion, culture and art in mind. But Italy is much more than that. Italy is starring for business, energy, services, and sustainability. And this is what a three days event organised by the Italian magazine Panorama in New York is about to prove. A full calendar of events...
READ MOREDate: October 17, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Palazzo Lombardia, 39th floor, Milan, Italy. On October 17 in occasion of Panorama d’Italia week in Milan, the Italian Business and Investment Initiative in cooperation with the American Chamber of Commerce In Italy, its co-promoters and sponsors is proud to bring the VII Summit “Italy meets...
READ MOREPanorama, the most influential Italian weekly magazine, is committed to promoting our country abroad through a series of events under the title “This is Italy – Parts Unknown”, which will take place in New York from October 31st until November 2nd and showcase the best Italy has to offer in the fields of fashion, design, art, culture, cuisine and e...
READ MOREThe EY BaroMed Report announced that the USA is Italy's third-largest export market and the non-EU country with the largest presence of Italian firms. Italy is in the centre of the Mediterranean region, which represents approximately 15 percent of the world's GDP, according to the Report. The sixth summit between Italian and American entrepreneurs,...
READ MOREEuropean financial crisis leaves secondary relevance to innovative and new ideas, usually casting promising entrepreneurs without capital to grow their businesses. This is why many European native start-ups increasingly look at U.S. as an attractive pole to obtain investments and new markets.This scenario leaves room for Italian organizations to fi...
READ MOREFlessibilità del lavoro, continua implementazione delle riforme, accesso al credito più facile e una promozione migliore di ciò di cui l'Italia può vantarsi, senza dimenticare la necessità delle piccole aziende di farsi più grandi per competere su scala internazionale. E' questa la ricetta per far sì che gli investitori americani tornino a mostrare...
READ MOREdi Riccardo Chioni Per spiegare agli americani l'Italia che sta cambiando, l'ideatore del primo summit annuale Fernando Napolitano, ha schierato ieri alla Peterson Hall nella Upper East Side i nomi più risonanti di leader e politici italiani al centro dell'attenzione per l'incontro "Italy Meets the United States of America", l'avvio di una...
READ MOREdi Fabio Savelli Nelle intenzioni un vasto piano di promozione del nostro Paese presso investitori americani. «Compra Italia», potrebbe essere lo slogan. Ma assicura al Corriere della Sera Fernando Napolitano, presidente di Italian business&investment initiative (organizzazione no profit con sede a New York), non si tratta solo di spot...
READ MOREdi Sara D'Agati Per gli investitori d'oltreoceano le opportunità in Europa e in Italia sono in aumento. «Gli interventi normativi e le riforme strutturali avviate negli ultimi anni hanno contribuito indubbiamente a rendere il nostro Paese più attrattivo e stanno avendo un impatto positivo sull'attività delle imprese di qualunque dimensione...