La lingua Italiana sta perdendo studenti. Il 20% in meno, stando al rapporto stilato dalla Modern Languages Association. La colpa è sempre ed esclusivamente degli insegnanti? O, più realisticamente, è cambiata la situazione globale e nuovi concorrenti si sono affacciati nelle aule delle università americane (nello stesso documento della MLA,infatti...

Everyone is welcome again to indulge in some gelato, learn some Italian, or just have a few laughs at the CSI club Viva L’Italiano on Thursday afternoons.   President of the club Viva L’Italiano of CSI, Samantha Massey, plans to resurrect this club from once being canceled, to a growing and active club. “We want to create a better awareness for the...

Cercansi insegnanti di italiano LS per bambini e adulti per un nuovo piccolo centro di lingua e cultura italiana in zona Chelsea. Il candidato deve già essere a NYC e con permesso di lavoro. Non sponsorizzamo nè visti nè stage. Ditals preferibile e esperienza di minimo 4 anni. Madrelingua italiana solamente con studi in Italia preferibilmente in le...

As Italian-Americans and part of the Italian Studies program at Lafayette, Marissa Bocchiaro ’20 and Adrianna DiMarco ’20 founded the Italian club to bring the richness of Italian culture to campus. Music professor and Italian Studies program coordinator Anthony Cummings is the official faculty adviser for the club. Cummings said that there are a l...

Native-speaking Italian instructor to teach all levels of Italian to all ages from mid-September through mid-December, 2018 or full academic year. This is a part-time position at a growing and innovative nonprofit language school located for over thirty years in Rockland, Maine in the northeast corner of the United States.   Compensation will be ar...

L’Accademia Napoletana, per la lingua e cultura di Napoli, presieduta dal dott. Massimiliano Verde,  è stata formalmente presentata nel Febbraio del 2016 alla presenza del Primo Cittadino di Napoli, dott. Luigi de Magistris, e si pone come obiettivo quello di tutelare, promuovere, sensibilizzare, in Italia e all’estero, specie le nuove generazioni,...

Dr. Enza Antenos, Assistant Professor of Italian, will lead a workshop at Princeton University Tuesday, March 27th at 2:00 PM entitled, "Made in…: Exploring Contemporary Narratives in the Teaching of Foreign Languages." Making languages relevant to higher education is key. A paradigm shift is needed in our foreign language curricula to meet the con...

The Bowers Museum and the Chapman Italian Studies Program have established a new internship in Museum Education and Administration for students of Italian at Chapman. This year, interns review and research exhibition content and assist in developing educational materials and programs for general public and schools to engage in the Knights in Shinin...

Italian Language Foundation is pleased to announce that once again, it will be offering the Dante Award for Excellence in AP Italian Language & Culture! Students of AP Italian who are members of the Italian Language Foundation and enrolled in an American or Canadian high school will be eligible to receive the Dante Award for Excellence. Students wh...

Nine students from the University of Nevada, Reno attended an intensive two-week course last year in Italian voice lessons, opera scenes rehearsals and body movement courses. The experience ended with each student performing in an opera gala where they sang an aria developed by the coaches. University Assistant Professor of Music Olga Perez Flora w...