Wednesday, December 11, 2019. 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST. Italian Cultural Institute, 686 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021. Join us for an informative event about the state of the art of Italian Dual Language programs in NYC's Public Schools with teachers, principals, bilingualism experts, representatives of the DOE and published author Fabrice Jaumont f...

Cioè (tcho-eh) is one of Italy’s most common intercalari, those words we like to throw here and there while we talk, but hey! It has a real meaning,  too.  Cioè is the  contraction of two  words, ciò, this/that, and è, “is,” the third person singular of the verb to be. Its meaning corresponds to the English “that is,” “that  is to say,” or “namely,...

Before my first year of college, I never thought that I would eventually major in a foreign language. Now, in the middle of my sophomore year, I am a double major in Italian Studies and International Studies. How did this happen? Well, my interest in the Italian language in combination with support from professors and active involvement in the Ital...

Dalla sinergia fra FUA – Florence University of the Arts - The American University of Florence, la High School of Fashion Industries di New York City e con la gradita partecipazione dell’Ufficio Istruzione del Consolato Generale di New York, nella persona della Dott.ssa Annavaleria Guazzieri, nasce il Corso di Aggiornamento di Lingua Italiana e Did...

È sempre più alto il numero di studenti statunitensi che studiano fuori dal proprio paese. E l’Italia, in tale contesto, rappresenta la seconda meta di studio preferita degli studenti made in USA, con 36.945 ragazzi nello Stivale. È questo è solo uno dei dati statistici che incoraggiano il lavoro di Eduitalia, Associazione di Scuole e Università ch...

On November 21, 2019, a very important date for Venetians, the feast of Madonna della Salute (Our Lady of Health), the Venice Study Abroad Program at Florida Atlantic University was honored with the Program of the Year Award. The Venice program runs for 6 weeks in the city of Venice, between May and June, every year. Students have the chance of stu...

Pulitzer-prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri gave Montclair State University a public lecture titled “Unbuilding Walls, Expanding Cultural Horizons: Jhumpa Lahiri on Translation.” The lecture took place Nov. 18, on the seventh floor of University Hall from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Lahiri is the editor and partial translator of “The Penguin Book of Ita...

“Parla come mangi!” (speak as you eat!) is a common way to invite someone to speak in a simple manner and without using too many words. But do Italians really speak as they eat? Considering that we love our food, and that when people dare criticizing it, they really hit our Achilles’heel, the answer is yes: the way Italians speak is very refined an...

Here we are again on our trip to discovering all the different languages and dialetti of Italy. If my itinerary is correct, our next stop is the Liguria region, a very important republic even before Italy existed and homeland to many great traders and voyagers of the past. You probably know the most famous one – Cristoforo Colombo. Who? Pardon, I f...

To: Anne Lopes, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Re: The Reduction of Italian courses at Brooklyn College. As Director of Italian American Studies at Queens College I am writing to register my dismay over the recent action taken to severely reduce the Italian course offerings at Brooklyn College.   In my more than forty years...