The National Italian Exam is an official AATI national language contest held among middle and high school students. The NIE is not only as an assessment tool, which provides teachers and students with diagnostic feedback and positive backwash to help inform high school instruction and curricula, it is also as an opportunity for visibility and for p...

You may have a little Italian under your belt, perhaps from family experience, travel, tutors, or classes, and you want to improve your skills in a way that is not only fun but works. Perhaps you have no Italian, but you long to understand the beautiful language of the Old Continent... and maybe hope to order dinner in Verona using the chef’s nativ...

The Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan is always striving to develop new programs to inspire, educate and engage the community. Please join us on December 17, 2019 at The Village Players of Birmingham for the performance of “The Nativity Scene” (Natale in Casa Cupiello) by Eduardo De Filippo. The cast is formed by a wonderful group of volunteers c...

So you think you've mastered your double consonants, you've got your vowels down pat and you roll your Rs like a pro? Test your Italian pronunciation with these tongue twisters.  From crazy long words to some choice scioglilingua (literally 'tongue loosener', the Italian word for a tongue twister), here are ten ways to give your mouth a workout in...

Sono numerose le scuole di New York che dal 2006 ad oggi hanno ospitato il programma di edu-tainment della Fata Italiana. Sostenuto dall’Italian American Committee on Education e dalla Columbus Citizens Foundation, e da anni patrocinato dalle maggiori istituzioni italiane, ha raggiunto oltre 70,000 studenti K-12 in tredici anni di attivitá. Ideatri...

Con la celebrazione della Festa Italiana a Miami, si è aperta ufficialmente la diciannovesima edizione della Settimana della lingua Italiana nel mondo. Il Consolato Generale d’Italia, in collaborazione con l’ente gestore Odli Inc e il Comites di Miami, ha voluto cogliere la splendida cornice della Festa Italiana per dare il via alla settimana della...

If they tell you sei un fannullone (pronounced fahn-nool-loh-neh) you should either reconsider the people you hang  with or your work ethics.  While fannullone may sound pretty funny, with  all those double  consonants and the -one ending — doesn’t it make  you think of something cuddly?— its meaning is not that pleasant, especially when they use t...

In the past, we have already talked about the differences between the two main simple pasts in Italian: imperfetto and passato prossimo. We have already seen how imperfetto simply changes endings while passato prossimo is made up of the auxiliary, essere or avere ­plus the past participle. We have also talked about when to use one auxiliary and the...

As Italian-American Heritage Month continues throughout the United States, we are also set to celebrate one very special week beginning on October 21– La Settimana della Lingua Italiana Nel Mondo, which celebrates the impact the Italian language has had around the world. While learning Italian is something that many Italian-Americans choose to do t...

Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 8:00 AM (EDT). Department of Italian, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. This conference will focus on the challenges to research and teaching that 21st century classrooms and learning environments pose. In particular, we will discuss questions such as: How do young adults learn in the digital era? How do we tailor...