The ideal candidate for this position will be an innovative and energetic individual with a passion for promoting trade relations between Italy and the Western United States. Responsibilities to include but not limited to: Promotes the mission of the Chamber and creates interest in its services;Develops initiatives, calculates costs and drafts pr...

Usher in the cheer with the annual IACCW holiday gala! Silent auction, member awards, live entertainment and Ago's extraordinary food! Evening program includes a 6-course meal by Chef Agostino Sciandri , special performance by professional singer Elisabetta Russo, silent auction supporting Italy-America Youth Internship Program, members recogn...

Los Angeles isn't just the world capital of entertainment anymore. An entire ecosystem has developed around the entertainment industry, creating new opportunities for international cooperation in the digital and technological fields.   So L.A. is now following in the footsteps of the cousin in the North, San Francisco, and establishing its o...

By Valerio Viale On June 2nd, 1946, Italians expressed their preference, through the institutional referendum held by universal suffrage. Republic won over Monarchy, with about two million differential in the ballots. 70 years later, at the Petersen Automotive Museum (along the so-called "Museum Row", on Wilshire Blvd.), Father Antonio Cacciapuot...

On the occasion of EXPO Milan 2015, under the Auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West cordially invite you to CATERINA'S CLUB - Presented by Chef Bruno Serato, Founder and President   In 2005, Chef Bruno Serato of Anaheim White Ho...

La tradizione culinaria del meridione si fa strada in California, grazie alla collaborazione tra Regione Calabria e Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West per il programma di promozione del Sistema Calabria in California.  Circa venti le aziende che hanno aderito al progetto; prima tappa della visita il Peninsula Hotel. Qui, nel cuore di Beve...

Tuesday, October 20 at 6:30pm | Locanda del Lago. Please join the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West in honoring Los Angeles City Councilman Joe Buscaino in occasion of naming him Honorary Chairman of the Board with a special dinner at Locanda del Lago. The elegant dinner will feature Lombardy tasting menu crafted from Michelin-starred Che...

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West presents : International Tax Compliance in the US: past, present and future. A panel discussion   The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, better known as FATCA, was passed in 2010 as part of the HIRE act. Starting July 1, 2014 Foreign Financial Institutions (FFI) are required by the US governme...

Un nuovo progetto a supporto della cultura enogastronomica e dell'alimentazione sana e autenticamente italiana: è "Authentically EATalian" che verrà presentato martedì prossimo, 4 giugno, alla Città del Gusto di Roma.   L'iniziativa è promossa da Assocamerestero, Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast, Italy-America Chamber of Commerce...