Roger Armbruster's Three Marias is an engrossing family saga that focuses on the lives of three remarkable women sharing the name Maria. It begins in Sicily near the end of the nineteenth century, a world in which lives are shaped, often violently, by prevailing customs and traditions.
READ MOREYou are cordially invited to attend a reading of Luigi Capuana's, "The Interrogation" at the Italian American Museum on Thursday, April 17, 2014. The Interrogation is a two character play originally written in Sicilian and translated to English by Santi Buscemi. About the play: The Interrogation ('Ntrrugatoriu) is a play in one scene with...
READ MORE"5.000 Miles From Home": è il titolo del documentario che sarà proiettato l'8 novembre prossimo all'Italian American Museum di New York. "5.000 Miles From Home" racconta la storia di un gruppo di ragazzini italiani cresciuti nelle strade di Chicago che orgogliosamente rispondono alla chiamata alle armi per servire il Paese durante la Seconda Guerr...
READ MOREYou are cordially invited to attend a presentation by Prof. Louis J. Gesualdi, who will be discussing his book The Italian/American Experience: A Collection of Writings, at the Italian American Museum on Thursday, March 20. The Italian/American Experience: A Collection of Writings represents a meaningful beginning to inform Italian America...
READ MOREBy Giovanni di Napoli Thursday night (Sept. 5th) I attended a special double feature at the Italian American Museum in Manhattan. The program included a book presentation by author Giovanni Pellerito and a live performance by acclaimed Calabrian singer-songwriter Michéal Castaldo. Treated to a glass of sparkling prosecco, we got comfortable an...
READ MOREYou are cordially invited to attend a history and viewing of American costume jewelry, created in the Italian immigrant tradition. Vintage and contemporary Italian jewelry will be presented during the evening and will be available for purchase. Many Italian immigrants sought jobs in the burgeoning business of costume jewelry, in the indust...
READ MOREYou are cordially invited to attend a presentation and signing for Dr. Salvatore J. LaGumina's latest book titled, "Long Island Italian Americans: History, Heritage & Tradition". For Italian immigrants and their descendants, moving from "the city" out to Long Island was more than a change of address. It signaled that the family had ach...
READ MOREAppuntamento il 15 novembre prossimo all'Italian American Museum di New York per una serata all'insegna della musica napoletana. La cantante partenopea Simona De Rosa presenterà infatti il suo ultimo album "Maschera", un lavoro interamente dedicato alla canzone napoletana. Simona De Rosa, acclamata cantante jazz di origini italiane, si è laureata...
READ MOREBy Giovanni di Napoli With the Feast of Saint Joseph just a few days away (March 19th), what better way for the Italian American Museum to inaugurate their new event space than with a presentation about the Traditions of Saint Joseph's Day? Warmly welcomed by the museum's friendly staff, the venue quickly filled with an enthusiastic audience excit...
READ MOREThe Italian American Museum cordially invites you to attend the 2016 Long Island Ambasciatore Awards Ceremony & Dinner. Honoring Outstanding Italian-American Leaders and their Italian-American Organizations. Crest Hollow Country Club - 8325 Jericho Tpke. - Woodbury, NY 11797. Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 12 noon...