Ben di senso è privo, chi ti conosce, Italia, e non t'adora, scrisse Vincenzo Monti. Se è vero che l'arte degli italiani sta nella bellezza, l'America è in cerca di "prove", per raccontare oltreoceano le meraviglie del Bel Paese, scrigno di arte, cultura, storia, natura. Superando gli stereotipi e mettendo da parte i cliché che spesso ne imprigiona...

  WTI Magazine #57    2015 April, 3Author : Elda Buonanno Foley      Translation by:   The poet and cultural critic Matthew Arnold stated "Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. This is the only secret to style". Think about Italian style, the way we move and clothe ourselves, and you can understand why Italians are worldly famo...

by Ashley Brozic & Alejandra Torres Mention to your man that he has to wear a blazer in August, and expect a grunt of despair. Now mention to him that you know of a blazer that's light enough to inhibit sweat and masculine enough to elicit the respect of everyone in the room, and you might just get him to perk up a bit.   Enter Casa de...

"Certo, è una grossa cifra, ma faccio finta che non esista: non è da lì che arriva il business". Dario Snaidero sorride e prova a minimizzare. E con qualche ragione. Perché in effetti non capita ogni giorno di ricevere una commessa da 450mila dollari per una cucina, l'equivalente in Italia del costo di un paio di appartamenti.    Il mil...

by Claudia Astarita   Claudio Cutuli has definitely created alternative scarves. He uses fabrics such as cashmere, silk, bamboo and beech pulp, but the innovative element of his accessories concerns their colour. In fact, it is drawn out pomegranate, walnuts hull, nettle and karkadé.   The success of this initiative was confirmed by t...

By Moira Macdonald   Ideally, one would travel to Portland Art Museum's new exhibit "Italian Style: Fashion Since 1945" on the back of a Vespa motor scooter piloted by Gregory Peck. But Amtrak works just fine, too.   The exhibit, featuring dozens of elegant garments from the likes of Valentino, Prada, Armani and Pucci (who, it turns o...

by Darin Moriki   Moncler, an Italian outdoor lifestyle retailer with French roots, may be opening a second Hawaii store in Honolulu's Ala Moana Center, which is set to unveil close to 40 retailers in its new Ewa Wing expansion project within the next two weeks. Architect Giancarlo Teglia of Venice, Italy, on behalf of Moncler USA Retail, L...

WTI Magazine #9    2013 Dec, 13Author : Donatella Perrone for      Translation by: Alessandra Bitetti   A turn of events made by Pirelli, the famous tire manufacturer group, which has just celebrated its fifty years in the Bicocca hangar, in Milan. For the occasion, Pirelli presented its new calendar, a tradition that has been goin...

Cathy and Giorgio Borlenghi are a power couple who can't keep still. While he builds some of Houston's most glamorous high-rise towers (Four Leaf, Villa d'Este, Montabello and the new Belfiore), she has created a sparkling new jewelry line, the Mrs. B Collection, that features one-of-a-kind pieces made from Scaramazza pearls.   "I was known...

1. Our intensity of discussion needs to come down a few notches. Us Italians are hot-blooded people. We are more inclined to speak what's going through our minds in a passionate way. Different opinions are just that, and we are not fighting when you hear a heated discussion.   We are just talking. My roommate in the US used to think I w...